^^ every one of those is absolutely dreadful....
EDIT: I meant the one above the one above mine :)
6/13/13 9:56 p.m.
Exhibit "B"

(Sorry, could not resist...) 
But unfortunately for every good use of a VW chassis in a kit car there was probably 20 or 30 bad ones... 
6/13/13 10:10 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Sebring/Saxon. I figure a Supra powertrain donor.
Bah, SR20DET... And thank you, that is a sweet looking kit car..
How has a Fiero not made it on this list yet?
dansxr2 wrote:
How has a Fiero not made it on this list yet?
Well, Fiero wasn't a kit car. It was the basis for a number of bad kit cars tho.
oldtin wrote:
On the dreadful side:
my gods.. was that drawn up by a 5 year old with a blunt crayon?
I dunno, the truck toolbox latch for a doorhandle looks awesome.
Some nice fabrication work here mating a Geo Metro drivetrain to a Coyote kit.
6/14/13 7:46 a.m.
VWguyBruce wrote:
Some nice fabrication work here mating a Geo Metro drivetrain to a Coyote kit.
that is so wrong (...that I love it)
I didn't know that! I've never read any of his columns, just watch the show.
I do remember him mentioning that trip briefly on the show. He must have just run with the idea.
BoxheadTim wrote:
paranoid_android74 wrote:
And oh yeah- the Caterhams are awesome too. Even though Top Gear didn't want to be seen in one.
The funny thing is that Clarkson's wife actually drove a Caterham down to the Alps and back, then wrote about it in his regular column (she occasionally would fill in for him when he was away). And yes, she mentioned that he'd hate it but she loved the trip.
I saw a Manx on the street in downtown Little Rock traffic yesterday. With an antique plate.
Keen observation! When I hear kit car to this day I automatically think its a lump of fiberglass on a VW pan.
This idea seems far more interesting to me though:
carguy123 wrote:
For worst kit, it would be anything with a VW chassis & suspension.
They gave kit cars such a bad reputation that even today people sneer at a kit car.
I think a kit car could and should be better than a factory offering, but the VW based ones were so bad that the whole genre still has a black eye.
If someone could improve the beak on the Sterling it might be a better looking kit.
paranoid_android74 wrote:
Keen observation! When I hear kit car to this day I automatically think its a lump of fiberglass on a VW pan.
This idea seems far more interesting to me though:

A guy up the street has one of these I have almost not been able to resist a couple times..
VW pan... but it has some "P" car 6 hanging off of it....
All of the Factory Five Racing stuff RULES. They really do it right. If I was going to build a kit, it would be from them.

And of course...

Did he improve the suspension in any way?
ronholm wrote:
A guy up the street has one of these I have almost not been able to resist a couple times..
VW pan... but it has some "P" car 6 hanging off of it....
Best ever:

Close second:

Honorable mention for the Trike in Mad Max.

Actually, even though its another Cobra and the ride height is a little off, the Cal-Ace wasn't too bad all things considered:

6/14/13 9:25 a.m.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
paranoid_android74 wrote:
Will research- I like
SilverFleet wrote:
All of the Factory Five Racing stuff RULES. They really do it right. If I was going to build a kit, it would be from them.
Soooooo much want
there is a guy that regularly Autocrosses one with us... and it beautiful to watch/hear run around the track.