This is simply a big "What if?", but in my area, Circle track is the biggest form of racing, both paved and dirt track. This leads to being able to find running, low level "stock cars" and such used for a good price. These are mostly tube frame cars with an 80's Monte Carlo shell and Tube frame center seat cars with plywood for most of the body. This is a find from yesterday on CL $2000 race car How is it to set these things up to turn both ways? It seams to me it could be an interesting oportunity, to say the least.
1/7/09 10:04 a.m.
Not hard to make it work. My CP car uses mostly circle track parts for suspension and other bits. The big problem comes down to class if you want to go racing.
Pat (patgizz) just picked up a circle track car with the full intent to stuff the tube frame under his 48 pickup.
That is another issue, how would you class it? And could a circle track car for cheap enough be challenge eligable?
Many circle track cars are offset .
If not then the supension is most likely biased to turn left.
Which can be "corrected" .
IIRC, the control arms are different lengths and how the rear suspension is biased for left turning too. Howe racing might sell the parts needed for a perimeter chassis setup (non-biased)