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etifosi HalfDork
4/7/15 9:31 p.m.

In reply to Adrian_Thompson:

I don't like Fred either. Of course I loved him in Red, because he is crazy-talented. But I couldn't believe when the F-Troop signed him, the dude who cracked Ferrari's safe!

It was the most ridiculous thing that happened until Ferrari resigned Raikkonen. That was berkeleyed up & made me want to grab of coke and an ice cream and head back to the hotel.

But then the hallowed H found a check big enough to hold all the 0's to make Ron-San take Ferocious Fred back! The lottery-check people hooked them up with a billboard guy, it was in yen so there were a LOT of O's.

Alonso has the ability to make a car faster on track but has yet to show he can make a TEAM or CAR faster.

Good luck w/that guy.

I love Soichiro like I was ASIMO, he was certainly the anti-Ferrari in all ways. McLaren-Honda just has a ring to it & etifosi approves.

Massa is such a sweet guy, (for sure) and forever a Ferrari Champion to me. I've seen his blood is Ferrari red plus Claire is the hottest team boss ever, so go Grove!

The team that's named Lotus, I like yuckypants because he has the heart of a lion, and his reviled team-mate is the ugliest GP victor ever. Pastor won an F1 race so can't not have talent. For the love of Colin, I wish this team was Catherham as they had soul.

I just want MORE GREAT RACING with everyone getting points. I just happen to hope Ferrari gets more of them. You know, to justify Bernie's gratuity.

z31maniac UltimaDork
4/8/15 6:08 a.m.

Hittin' the sauce early last night?

etifosi HalfDork
4/8/15 7:34 a.m.

In reply to z31maniac:

Nope. No earlier than usual!

Ferrari's Malaysian Miracle with Finger Boy has gotten me more excited about F1 than I've been for a few years.

Don't worry. The universe will notice my happiness and take corrective action soon.

Anyone know what the weather in China is forecast to be like? Rain in Q was good for Seb. He's not as annoying in Red......

etifosi HalfDork
4/9/15 5:04 p.m.

No rain in the forecast.

ncjay Dork
4/9/15 5:18 p.m.

I'm pretty sure Mr. Vettel would go right back to being his "annoying" self if he won 6 or 7 in a row, but I don't see that happening. All this Ferrari love flying around after 1 victory. I'm sure everyone realizes that it might just be possible that Ferrari never wins again in 2015. Mercedes got caught napping, it won't happen again. I'm not a big Alonso fan, but I feel for the guy. Spent the last 4 or 5 years getting beat by Vettel and Team Red Bull. Now Vettel's in his old seat and the butt whupping has continued, so far anyway. I'm glad Vettel can't drive. Boy, if he was any good, the rest of the field would be in a heap of trouble.

etifosi HalfDork
4/9/15 5:25 p.m.

In reply to ncjay:

I might be the source of copious amounts of Ferrari-love / merda di Cavallino Rampant

Sorry, it's been awhile, didn't think it would happen this year & don't expect to see it repeated soon.

ncjay Dork
4/9/15 6:48 p.m.

Nothing to be sorry about. We've all watched Alonso struggle with substandard cars for the past few seasons, and for the first time in a loong while, there is reason for joy in Maranello. There's also reason for cautious enthusiasm as well. A return to prominence doesn't happen in one race.

etifosi HalfDork
4/9/15 10:07 p.m.

FP1 streaming RIGHT NOW!

Sooooooooooo much better w/no announcers talking over the orchestra.

Whoooz the cute girl with Horner on the pitwall?

etifosi HalfDork
4/9/15 10:14 p.m.

Whooooshes n pops n growls, tyres moaning and brakes whistling as the audio goes with the camera that follows the car.

etifosi HalfDork
4/9/15 10:24 p.m.

No British/Aussie accents, adding the "r"s they leave off the butter to words ending in "a"s.

Not that there's anything wrong with that....just want at least 1 'murcan voice.

etifosi HalfDork
4/9/15 10:36 p.m.

Flo-viz on mclaren

Massa spins

Ferrari will be hard pressed to reach the podium when Claire's boys crack the setup.

No surprise who's fastest.

BUT mid-pack, only 1.7 off VET in 3rd!

Rain is our only hope.

Lancer007 Dork
4/10/15 12:35 a.m.

Someone in the Formula 1 subreddit submitted Dickbutt on the Ferrari UPS collage logo lol. Once you see it in the bottom picture you can zoom in enough to see it in he pic with Vettel.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/10/15 8:55 a.m.

Where are people going for F1 news right now? F1 Live (ESPN) was great, but they've just redesigned their web page and it's now useless.

Where are the pics of the McLaren with the Vis Flo that Tifosi mentioned?

etifosi HalfDork
4/10/15 10:24 a.m.

I wait for YOU to let me know what's important!

I watched the McHonda dripping with ectoplasm on the live FP1 feed on NBCSN last night. They will probably have a 2 second slow-mo on the FP2 show when they summarize FP1 happenings.

It hints at what 3 learned me.

DVR'd FP2 but probably won't watch more than the first and last 10 minutes as I got spoiled by the ambient audio last night and will get annoyed at the announce crew. I think Bernie must be deaf and can't hear the symphony of sounds that the current equipment produce in action, there's more going on than just a screaming engine and quick, gorilla-grunt downshifts. You can hear that still, but now you hear brakes and tires and bottoming out and hitting the curbs, etc.

I don't mean to slag on the TV crew because they are pretty good, but Matchett just rambles on and on worse than me.

Hoping for rain.......

racerfink SuperDork
4/11/15 2:35 a.m.

Mercedes just threw down the gauntlet.

etifosi HalfDork
4/11/15 7:55 p.m.

It looks like rain!

Oh, check that, it's the air.

Can the Red cars be kind enough on tires to do it again?

Hopefully MB will get their race strategy from AM Coast-to-Coast again.

I'm beginning to wonder if Bernie made MB give the last one away just to give people some hope.

Lancer007 Dork
4/11/15 10:11 p.m.
etifosi wrote: Hopefully MB will get their race strategy from AM Coast-to-Coast again.


fasted58 UltimaDork
4/12/15 2:46 a.m.

Chinese fire drill removing Verstappen's car.

Spitsix HalfDork
4/12/15 7:52 a.m.

David Hobbs kills me. A little loss of power, I'm not surprised with all that smoke and flames coming out of the back of the car.

aussiesmg MegaDork
4/12/15 8:04 a.m.

Renault engines are definitely "the suck" this year, one replaced overnight, two blew up during race

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
4/12/15 8:47 a.m.
fasted58 wrote: Chinese fire drill removing Verstappen's car.

Exactly what I thought...We are bad, bad men.

wvumtnbkr Dork
4/12/15 9:17 a.m.

The marshalls berkeleying around was the best part of the race!

JohnyHachi6 Dork
4/12/15 10:21 a.m.

That was boring.

About 30 seconds into the race and the top 6 positions decided and unchanged for the remainder of the race...

At least Kimi finally made it through without someone smashing into him.

Lancer007 Dork
4/12/15 11:35 a.m.

I love Kimi's radio message "Get these cars out of my way"

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
4/12/15 3:30 p.m.

I didn't find it boring, but that's because there was racing behind first. You do have to admire MB's ability to totally control what was going on - I wonder how fast they could have gone if they were let off the leash?

I loved watching Button and Maldonado fight it out. A hack driver in a quicker car trying to get past a very experienced driver in a slow one. It's too bad it ended the way it did. I think www.hasmaldonadocrashedtoday.com should have a mention of Pastor's attempt to throw it all away on the pit entrance.

I tried to watch it live on NBC. After the second commercial break in 9 laps, I called it quits. BBC iPlayer and Hola, much better.

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