Dam the more I look at that the more I like it. It really does not have that kit car look. And having been to FF and looked at many of there cars they always seem to look better in person than photos. I can hope that this is the case with this car. If it is they are going to have a over the top winner with this one.
6/16/15 10:45 a.m.
Not sure where the hate of the Subaru engine comes from? While I will be the first in line to say that if is not my favorite, its also far from a piece of junk. Mostly its ugly. It and the gearbox also happens to be the seed around which the whole design is evolved.
As to the finished vehicle, I like it well enough, but no urge to buy one.
Would not satisfy the urge to build something unique and the result does not come across as something that I would want to drive every day. No AC makes the coupe a non-starter for sure.
I know that the advertized cost-to-build is something like $15,000, but from experience I can tell you that a well painted and finished example is going to eat 30k out of your pocket and for that I can buy a nice car.
My only problem with Factory 5 kits are the interiors. I get that you have to give something up for cheap performance, but holy cow! It's like Dodge's newish steering wheels. Do they know that while driving I rarely see the exterior of my car but rather I see (and touch) the steering wheel 100% of the time??
Type Q
6/16/15 11:12 a.m.
Reminds me a little of the first Noble I saw. That's a good thing. I liked it. I like this too.
I can see where you could spend $30k to build one. I suspect the buyers for this will be looking for a unique experience. Lots of people can buy a $30k sports car. How many can say they built it?
I was not a fan of the roadster, but this I like! 
Now that looks to be a great track day car. Love the looks, still don't see it as better in any way that a Cayman for the street, but for off road use it's hitting all the right buttons. I hope they sell a sh!t ton of them
I like what I see, but would want it with a Subaru H6.
6/16/15 11:44 a.m.
If not subie powered, find a classic VW/Porsche/Audi transaxle and either use something that bolts to them or call Kennedy. This is basic GRM stuff. 
Curmudgeon wrote:
If it's available with a no-E36 M3 roll cage...
If we're recommending improvements to the tube frame, here are some I'd suggest:
Make the main hoop a single piece instead of several sections welded together.
Tying the "spine" sets of tubes that support the shifter and some of the interior panels into the chassis at each end ought to give some significant improvements in stiffness without much of a change in weight.
Redesigning the nose cone support could add more energy absorption in a crash.
New Reader
6/16/15 1:46 p.m.
I went to the open house on Saturday.
1. The engine is "open" to the interior. I would imagine it would be hot as hell inside.
2. The "C" has roll up windows now as well as outside door handles. Almost like a real car now. :-)
3. The roof wont fit the roll cage of the 818R.
The roof and nose will bolt up to the 818S if you already have one. Personally I thought the top made it harder to he in and out of. The sills are very wide. I would prefer the standard convertible 818S with the soft top and the roll up windows. I don't know if that a standard option combination, but I'll bet you can get it if you ask nicely.
New Reader
6/16/15 2:13 p.m.
RossD wrote:
Very nice looking. Is the engine open to the cockpit?
Attended the opennhouse this past weekend.
Yes, it was open. Not sure if it is complet. It was very nice. I also noticed the 818s looks better in person than in pics.
6/16/15 2:16 p.m.
The intercooler looks.....ineffective
6/16/15 2:20 p.m.
bgkast wrote:
The intercooler looks.....ineffective
Agreed! I guess you can run A/C and blow the vent over it?
Also, have not seen any sort of firewall or engine air intake
Ian F
6/16/15 2:56 p.m.
If the engine is open to the passenger cabin, I'm guessing this is an early prototype. I can't see that be allowed even by kit-car standards.
dean1484 wrote:
Has anyone figured out of that body fits on to a GTM Chaise? That would be what I would want to build.
The GTM has a 5" longer wheelbase, and the chassis would probably have to be hacked up quite a bit for the 818 body to fit on it. It would likely be easier modifying the 818 chassis to accept a different engine, if that is what you are going for.
New Reader
6/16/15 5:10 p.m.
bgkast wrote:
The intercooler looks.....ineffective
In passing i thought I over heard one of the employees state the roof vent would feed the intercooler.
Like the roof. Not a fan of the old or new nose. Overall the proportions are good, but to me the front and back ends let it down.
Needs more of this:

Whoa, that thing looks incredible as a coupe. Digging the new headlights.
Driven5 wrote:
I like what I see, but would want it with a Subaru H6.
The EZ H6 isn't that much longer than an EJ257 with AVCS. I bet you could fit it in (almost) wherever an STI engine fits.
Probably a little cheaper to find an H6 donor over EJ257/EJ207/EJ255/EJ205, but the expensive part of the build is sourcing an STI transmission anyway...
New Reader
6/16/15 7:29 p.m.
ssswitch wrote:
Whoa, that thing looks incredible as a coupe. Digging the new headlights.
Driven5 wrote:
I like what I see, but would want it with a Subaru H6.
The EZ H6 isn't that much longer than an EJ257 with AVCS. I bet you could fit it in (almost) wherever an STI engine fits.
Probably a little cheaper to find an H6 donor over EJ257/EJ207/EJ255/EJ205, but the expensive part of the build is sourcing an STI transmission anyway...
I could be talked out of both my SVX and my Legacy specB with the 6 speed trans if someone were interested in that pairing.
This interests me. I would need to see both in person, but I need AC in mine.
Two bit grammar spelling and auto spell fanatics can go suck it. I covered this a while back. If it makes you feel all high and mighty kicking people in there week point good for you. I hope it makes you feel better.
I am taking a while off from here. I am sick and tired if people not contributing to threads but feeling compelled to point out other peoples inability to spell and get things grammatically correct.
I run three companys. I have built more race winning cars than I can remember. I raised two girls on my own untill they were in there mid teens.
I don't need this E36 M3 any more.
Grow the berkeley up people. You are going to be left here looking at a bunch of happy shiny people wondering where everyone went.
I know for a fact that there are people out there that don't contribute because of this. You all are chasing away some really smart people that you may actually learn somthing from. But I can see now that you would much rather have grammatically correct back slapping pep talks than some meaningful exchange of information.
I have been a member over at corner carvers for more than ten years and have had no where near the stupid comments that I get here about my posts.
Get over your self's.
Have fun.
6/16/15 10:06 p.m.
In reply to dean1484:
Your achievements are admirable. Your sense of humor, not so much. The man made a joke. He didn't scold you.