5/14/13 8:22 p.m.
So awhile back I had to add some DVDs to my Netflix list. I mostly watch instant but keep a 1 DVD/month for stuff that isn't on instant. I managed to find some stuff under "special interest" and added it, a documentary on Suburu WRX's, something on competition driving skills (I kept reversing the section on heel-toe trying to figure it out), and a few specials on famous movie cars and similar. (Also found a WRC Rally DVD from 2003 that I ended up buying on Amazon!)
I also decided to add a few movies. I added Gumball Rally, and me and the fiancee watched it Sunday. I'd seen the Cannon Ball Run movies so I kept saying "in CBR those ladies are in spandex and a Lambo", and "in CBR those guys are in an ambulance", etc.
Out of the blue she asked if I had seen Two Lane Blacktop.
(I think I'll marry her!)
Got me thinking, what other epic car movies are out there I need to see, or see again? Bulitt comes to mind at least for the car chase. Gone in 60 seconds? I've seen both CBR movies, American Graffiti is a classic. Deathrace 2000 (the original) is one of my all-time favs.
Help me make an awesome Netflix list!
Blues Brothers
Hollywood Knights
American Graffiti
Vanishing Point
The Wraith
Maximum Overdrive.
Gumball Rally
The California Kid
Heart Like a Wheel
Funnycar Summer
Mad Max
To Live and Die in LA
Smokey and the Bandit
Stoker Ace
Greased Lightning
The Italian Job (original)
Gran Prix
Le Mans
The Last American Hero
If you are looking for documentaries:
Truth in 24
Love the Beast
Dust 2 Glory
In reply to Appleseed:
Are all those available for Netflix streaming? I need to add a lot of those.
New Reader
5/14/13 8:37 p.m.
Netflix instant is all I have and it's pretty limited on decent car movies. Some that I have in my queue or have watched are.
- Drive - Ryan Gosling
- Dust to Glory - Documentary
- Faster - Motorcycle Documentary
On DVD I have
- Grand Prix - David Garner
- Lemans - Steve McQueen
- Original Gone in 60 Seconds - H.B. Halicki
- The Blues Brothers - Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi
Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head that you haven't already mentioned
Drive is on netflix streaming.
i love that movie.
Vanishing Point
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
The French Connection
Used Cars
King of the Mountain
5/14/13 8:47 p.m.
belteshazzar wrote:
Drive is on netflix streaming.
i love that movie.
Featuring an Impala with 453 gears!
5/14/13 8:47 p.m.
Saw World's Fastest Indian on instant a few month's ago while she was out of town. Excellent movie even for non-car people.
Hadn't thought about Blues Brothers, but another classic and I bought the DVD with extras years ago. Like the scene cut out of the original that explained where he got the spray can of glue for the gas pedal.
I vaguely remember The Wraith.
5/14/13 8:48 p.m.
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry - how could I forget? Man, they're coming back to me fast...
In reply to Appleseed:
I would say White Lightning is a better movie with better driving than Gator. But you should watch them both just to be sure.
The Driver. I caught this on Encore a while back and it's got one of the best chase scenes I've seen:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
The Driver. I caught this on Encore a while back and it's got one of the best chase scenes I've seen:
Also the only thing to ever make me want a Malibu, ever.

"If You're Going To Race With The Devil,
You've Got To Be As Fast As Hell!"
5/14/13 9:44 p.m.
I watched Hit and Run the other night and thought it was pretty funny.
Can't be sure of NetFlix.
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
On Any Sunday
Brewster McCloud
The Dead Pool
The Chase
New Reader
5/14/13 9:59 p.m.
1lapdawg wrote:
I have watched that documentary about 30 times now, it's a brilliant piece of cinematography.
t25torx wrote:
1lapdawg wrote:
I have watched that documentary about 30 times now, it's a brilliant piece of cinematography.
I forgot that one, it was pretty good. I'm kinda a good ol' boy when it comes to racing and never really saw any F1 until a few years ago. It was interesting just to see the tech back then. Same thing with the Group B doc. on youtube.
5/14/13 10:35 p.m.
Love the Beast
Truth in 24
Truth in 24 2
I just saw one there that amused me: reggae soundtrack film about dirt circle track racing.
Caution: I said it amused me. I didn't say it was a good film. I also own - and like - Driven 
Smokey and the Bandit
that one where Kenny Rogers is a stock car driver and has a band of misfit moppet headed kids as his pit crew.