I remember some time ago (probably more than a decade ago) we talked about the GTM trifecta, the 3 perfect cars. It's been some time since I heard mention of it, perhaps the cars have shifted over time, but the trifecta as I recall it was.
Miata, E30, and P71.
Well, last weekend I acquired the last of the holy Trinity. No, I don't still have the others.
First I had an E30. Not the greatest example, but I bought it off this forum when I needed a college ride. It was an 86 325e 4 door automatic. It served it's job well, but it never really seemed to run right and/or the trans needed work. I sold it to acquire the next piece of the trifecta.
Next up, I replaced it with a 95 miata that saw me through the end of college, I drove it away from my wedding, and had it right up till I sold it 6 years ago because miatas don't work as daily drivers when you have babies. I miss it, I sold it to my brother's brother in law.
So, the next piece... My wife has been daily driving a Mazda5 for about 8 years. She likes it, but always disliked FWD (she went to that from an Impreza) and it's general lack of power. Due to certain changes to our commute habits for reasons I believe are not open to discussion on this forum, we need another vehicle to facilitate our childcare solution to the addition of 2 hours worth of commuting 5 days a week. (Though mileage impacts are largely a bus ride because of insufficient and outrageously expensive parking). Additionally, due to uncertainty about the stability of both of our jobs, again due to reasons I believe are not open to discussion on this forum, we wanted cheap, easy to maintain, and highly durable. Whelp, a panther is gonna be the right intersection there. So, my wife's new ride has been acquired.
Not a P71, but hey, close enough. An 09 grand marquis. Only 120k on it and a bunch of recent work including the intake manifold, plugs, rear springs, and shocks. It needed a few things, like the HVAC blend door actuator and the passenger window regulator, but it came with the parts. I did the blend door actuator this evening ( what a pain that was). It'll be fun to get some driving in it once I get tags for it.
So, what's considered the trifecta these days? I know E30's have long passed into memory as affordable fun.