1/16/13 11:21 a.m.
I already own both cars & I'm deciding which one to sell. The Volvo has a transmission problem & is stick in 3rd gear. Still drivable but very annoying. The Camry is a greige 4cylinder automatic with 196K miles on it. Either one would be a sacrificial salt car. All I want from it is reliable transportation. Should I:
- Fix the Vilvo & sell it (how much could I get?)
- Sell the Camry (how much could I get?), then fix the Volvo & keep it
Camry is a nice car overall, no rust or dents. Only downside is the mileage.
Volvo is kind of hammered but runs great, has 166K miles & a nice interior
1/16/13 11:27 a.m.
You'll get a lot more out of the Camry on the sale, HOWEVER- I don't know that it's enough to offset the repair costs of the Volvo. All things being equal, I'd keep the Volvo, because a camry would put me into the trees with it's gentle song of "I'm an appliance, go ahead and fall asleep". At least I LIKE Volvos.
1/16/13 11:29 a.m.
Here's what's wrong with the Volvo:
Volvo 850 Problem
1/16/13 11:33 a.m.
If I could get something absurd like $3000 for the Camry then the choice is easy. How much does a 196k mile 1997 Camry LE automatic command these days?
I have a '96 850 wagon as my DD, and love the car. Mine has been largely trouble free in the 34k miles I've put on it (now at 143k total). Having said that, I think the Camry has a better track record for reliability if you're just looking for a winter beater. I'd go Camry.
I'd go Camry. Actually, that's exactly what I have, 97 5SFE Camry with 210K miles on it.
1/16/13 1:26 p.m.
Camry. Volvo probably isn't worth fixing. Part out and scrap. Around here the sedans sell for $1500, the wagons a bit more.
keep the Camry... unless you are a masochist.
+1 for keeping the Camry.
Camry will give you less trouble, Volvo will give you more enjoyment. Since it's a purely appliance purchase you should probably vote with your head and keep the Camry. I would keep the Volvo, personally, but then I'm the one that ends up treating it as a minor miracle when my Volvo 850 starts each morning.
1/16/13 9:15 p.m.
I would keep the camry. And i agree with bgkast that the volvo probably isnt worth fixing since they dont sell for much and even if you fix it something else might break the day you try to sell it. I dont see much return on putting time and money into it.. Id write it off.
Volvo and appliance don't go well together in the same sentence.
M030 wrote:
All I want from it is reliable transportation.
Well, the Camry has that covered hands-down.
Camry. Reliable, better gas mileage, reliable. 
1/18/13 5:52 a.m.
Camry wins. Especially if someone is willing to give me anything other than herpes for the Volvo when I try to sell it. Thanks!
I have had a 95 Volvo 850 turbo wagon and currently have 95 Camry 4 cyl 5sp.
The Camry has 226k on it and the only problems I have had were motor mounts, struts, and a leaking front engine seal. Other than those relatively in expensive parts the only down side is the car is boring.
The Volvo has about the same mileage but had a bunch of expensive problems. The egr system, turbo, inter cooler hoses, and of course leaking oil