Datsun1500 wrote:
Putting the name out here for people to blast them, is not my style, I'd rather take the high road.
I think it is should be respected that you don't want them blasted. If people do start blasting them, the posts and/or thread should go the way of Nitrous Fogger Jr.
N Sperlo wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
Putting the name out here for people to blast them, is not my style, I'd rather take the high road.
I think it is should be respected that you don't want them blasted. If people do start blasting them, the posts and/or thread should go the way of Nitrous Fogger Jr.
Precisely. But Jr made for great reading. I'm glad I copied it all to a Word doc before that one was deleted.
5/8/14 5:25 p.m.
Are you suggesting they might not have any insurance?
Sounds like Datsun 1500 is about to go into the high end restoration business. 

Good luck.
5/8/14 6:41 p.m.
obviously not that high end. 
I expect that photos will not do a real good job of showing the flaws. The overall issues are greater than bad paint. More about trust, truth, and ethics.
My guess is that S. McLawyerpants Esq. has told Datsun to shut up about it for the time being.
Heres to hoping we find out the dramatic ending to this suspenseful tale directly
I am hoping for boobs and explosions.
I always find those entertaining.
Datsun1500 wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
My guess is that S. McLawyerpants Esq. has told Datsun to shut up about it for the time being.
Bingo! I did get asked if I would be willing to let the shop try and get it "perfect" again. That was Yesterday. I said no.
Well, if they paint it often enough you might be able to remove the metal underneath the paint and have a lightweight S2k
Good luck with this, once it gets legal these things take their time.
Datsun1500 wrote:
You gotta love this, The shops insurance company is now trying to say it's between me and Maaco, the fact that we dropped it off at the 1st shop is not relevant.

I hope you have a great lawyer because he/she is going to have a field day with this one!
You had no contact with Maaco at any time during drop off and only learned that Maaco was involved AFTER the incident. So your deal is with your guys shop, he has a claim against Maaco, not you.
You gotta be f'ing kidding me.
I believe that is what you call "passing the buck"
6/17/14 2:17 p.m.
technically you are not Maaco's customer, the first shop is, so you have nothing to do with them.
food chain. you go after shop 1, shop 1 goes after Maaco.
Not only technically, but IIRC legally as well.
patgizz wrote:
technically you are not Maaco's customer, the first shop is, so you have nothing to do with them.
food chain. you go after shop 1, shop 1 goes after Maaco.
I would be very surprised if its anything but this.
They subcontracted without notifying you. Your name (signature / approval)appears nowhere on Macco's paperwork I assume?
When starting this work did you sign any kind of release whatsoever that covers subcontracting? (or whatever the correct technical name for it would be in this case)?
Datsun1500 wrote:
You gotta love this, The shops insurance company is now trying to say it's between me and Maaco, the fact that we dropped it off at the 1st shop is not relevant.
Are you surprised by this? Of course they are going to do everything they can to pass the buck. It costs them nothing to try to dodge responsibility and liability. In fact, it's very much worth their while to play it this way. Good chance you'll cave, then they win.
Taking bets on the next round, the shop will swear they got verbal authorization from you to send it to Maaco.
Agree. Your beef is the work that your shop was supposed to do wasn't what was agreed to. They farmed it out to MAACO, and got burned. Its plaintiff (you) v defendant (shop) v 3rd party defendant (MAACO). The shop's insurance co should go after Maaco's (which I assume is a big name).
Man, all this for some emblem removal and detail work.
6/17/14 2:42 p.m.
Stop screwing with them.
This is no longer your job. It is your attorney's job.
They are only talking with you because they think you are an amateur. Tell them you are done, and give them your attorney's phone number.
While you are at it, contact your own insurance company. They may cover you for some legal fees.
Let the big boys duke it out.
You may also want to consider the BBB, your local paper, local Chamber of Commerce, etc. Might be time to go public on this guy.
6/17/14 3:15 p.m.
I should have known better- You've got it under control!
Sorry for the mess you've got- good luck!
Datsun1500 wrote:
A few quick answers:
It's coming through the Attorney, they are not talking to me. I don't want it to go through his insurance, it will count as a claim. No such thing as verbal authorization in Maryland, it has to be written down, if it's over the phone the shop needs to have it documented
I am not sure why you are concerned with it hitting the shops insurance, he went from stand up guy to "berkeley you, berkeley your kid, berkeley your kids dream car, and berkeley the next three generations of your family. I will make Hennessey of Woodstock look good" in about 3 days.
Either way, continued good luck.