I keep wanting a different car after six months. Literally the only cars I've kept for longer than a 12 month period in the past seven years have been Civic Si models. I've had everything from supercharged S197s, Honda Fits, bug eye WRX, brand new WRX and STI, S2000, and can't find anything that just feels like a car I want to keep and enjoy for a long time. Glad I have the means to do this and never really buried myself a hole, it's just frustrating I can't find a car I want to keep.
10/30/16 8:28 p.m.
I have the opposite problem. A car has to be ancient, rusty, and not running right before I can convince myself I should / can spend the money to buy something else. We've owned both our DDs for at least 10 years.
I'm with DB222. Makes my wife insane or she thinks I am.
I drive a Yukon XL Denali and I want a manual rwd. Badly.
But I just watched some bike videos and I want another one of those too.
And earlier I watched an SN95 rally video... that'd be awesome!
ebonyandivory wrote:
I'm with DB222. Makes my wife insane or she thinks I am.
I drive a Yukon XL Denali and I want a manual rwd. Badly.
But I just watched some bike videos and I want another one of those too.
And earlier I watched an SN95 rally video... that'd be awesome!
Yup drives my wife insane. She gives 0 ducks now. Still drives her insane but she realizes it's what I do. I want to stop but can't. I really need to get a tow van for the chump car though...just have a hard time daily driving a boring car
I thought everyone here did that. I've had over 40 different cars at this point. I'm slowing down now just because I don't have time but I still look at a million cars I would buy if I wasn't swamped.
Alright, I think I know what The Answer to this quandary is... 
Had a coworker that did this - new car or truck every 6 months. Guess that everyone needs a hobby.
I use frequent rentals to satiate my need for something different - up to 15 so far this year. I'm always happy to get back to my Miata.
The FM Fox suspension is mighty tempting, though... maybe in the spring.
In reply to Mitchell:
In a semi-related note, my daily was a 1995 F150 4x4 and I had opportunity to drive a late model Mercedes E350 convertible and a similar year Mustang convertible and I honestly couldn't wait to get back into my truck.
The grass isn't always greener I guess.
There are no problems here. Move along.
When I told my parents I was going to get married my father said "Well, I hops she lasts longer than your cars". 
I've had more cars than I can honestly count over the past 25 years. It used to be simply because I loved cars, enjoyed having different ones and wanted to try everything. Now, with three kids, the budget for that is gone...plus I've found a new addiction in LeMons racing. The changes I make now are because it's damn near impossible to find that perfect intersection between wants/needs/budget. My commute sort of dictates I need a certain type of car, my active kids sort of dictate another, my "wants" don't necessarily jive with those, and my budget doesn't jive with any of it. Trying to find that balance. Right now, I "like" my 2013 Hyundai Elantra, as it checks off almost all of the needs/budget boxes. Reliable as gravity, modern, has enough luxury features for me, incredibly fuel efficient, carries the kids and their stuff OK (though being a coupe stinks somewhat), I bought it dirt cheap and it's dirt cheap to operate. At least it's a stick shift, so I have some involvement in driving. But it's not a "fun" car. So I'll probably keep it and pick up a cheaper fun toy, like an NC Answer.
I would like to help you but between cars, trucks and motorcycles I've had 7 different ones in the past 9 months. I can't really do a definitive total but it's more than 70 in my lifetime easily.
That 7 in 9 mos number isn't really typical but on a 20 year average I've had 3 cars per year. It comes in bursts... I've kept some for 5 years and some less than a week.
On the list of problems I have... it's not top 5 :)
10/31/16 9:07 a.m.
Build one from scratch; guaranteed to keep you involved for years.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
I keep wanting a different car after six months. Literally the only cars I've kept for longer than a 12 month period in the past seven years have been Civic Si models. I've had everything from supercharged S197s, Honda Fits, bug eye WRX, brand new WRX and STI, S2000, and can't find anything that just feels like a car I want to keep and enjoy for a long time. Glad I have the means to do this and never really buried myself a hole, it's just frustrating I can't find a car I want to keep.
Did that for a long time. As a long as I kept the rotating cars to older ones, there was no pressing financial reason not to change them often. If I didn't break anything during my ownership, they didn't lose any value, and if I fixed them up a bit, a profit was even within reason. Even the cost of minor repairs that didn't get recouped when I sold it still worked out to be less than a car payment + insurance on a new car and I got to drive a lot of neat stuff for 3-6 months at a time.
10/31/16 10:24 a.m.
Duke wrote:
I have the opposite problem. A car has to be ancient, rusty, and not running right before I can convince myself I should / can spend the money to buy something else. We've owned both our DDs for at least 10 years.
I'm with Duke on this one. I drive boring DD's, so I can have fun with the fun cars. I bought a 10-year-old VW 3 years ago and will be very disappointed if I don't get 10 years out of it. You don't get much more boring than a 2.0L, 115 Hp, 5-door hatchback. At least it has a 5 spd. to keep it amusing.
Our 98 Ford Explorer was with us a decade and was still running, with the new owner, last year.
kb58 wrote:
Build one from scratch; guaranteed to keep you involved for years.
With my increasing age a kibble of wisdom has finally sunk in.
I stopped trying to brew my own beer when I realized that there were professionals who could do it better, and make it available to me whenever I wanted for less money, time and aggravation. Mostly, when I want a beer - I just want a beer now. Not a beer in 6 months when I've figured out how to produce one.
Extending that - When I want to drive, I just want to drive. Now.
Some people are drivers, some people are builders. The same thrills from different things.
I used to change cars a lot. Then I did the math. 
Now I've been driving an ultra-cheap old appliance for the past 5 years and the mindset has stuck enough that I can't convince myself to get rid of it.
Appleseed wrote:
Some people are drivers, some people are builders. The same thrills from different things.
I'm a little of both, honestly. I'm just not ambitious enough to spend 2+ years waiting on myself to deliver a single project. I'll kick out four or five smaller, finished ones in the same time. Some projects have nothing to do with vehicles. I spent some time over the weekend brazing, re-tapping and assembling a cracked pedal assembly for a friends baby grand piano. A month ago we converted a lathe to a DC variable speed motor because... his treadmill broke and we had a motor. Satisfying quick turn-around stuff makes me happy.
Klayfish - I own a chump car and believe me it takes up plenty of time and money as a hobby. I love it and we're always looking to try something different to keep us engaged. We also purposely set the car up super loose in the rear end to really annoy one of our pay drivers who complains about everything. It's quite entertaining.
kb58 - I have a bare 2012 Civic Si shell that I'm doing that too. One baby step at a time and taking up way too much space in my garage.
I drive a 2010 Fit Sport manual right now. The car has been a hoot. I've autoxed it, rallyxed it, and theres been talks of making it a second chump car or just a rolling chicane.
Glad to see others have my problem and lack there of.
dculberson wrote:
I thought everyone here did that. I've had over 40 different cars at this point. I'm slowing down now just because I don't have money but I still look at a million cars I would buy if I wasn't broke.
Fixed to fit my situation.
I tend to be the other type. I fall in love with a car, and keep it forever. I've been driving for 22 years and have owned 6 cars, 4 of which were drivable. I had the 9C1 for 13 years, and I damn nearly wept when I sent that rusted out hulk to the junk yard.
I was like that with Trans Ams. Would have never gotten rid of them had it not been for a semi smashing into one and a kid on the way which led to selling to pay off student loans. Then the downward spiral began. Never wanted another trans am after driving a better built car even though LSx+T56 is sex, there's something to be said for a whole car that is built solid. Not just the drivetrain.
I keep getting cars as the opportunity comes along.
I am now convinced that I don't pick my cars they actually choose me.
I am on number three this year.