I've wanted an SL for a while now. For a bit it was a R107. Later it was the R129. I still like those, but after an on track event and some autocross, I'm wanting something with a little more performance. I'm not rich, so there are some constraints.
While I could easily afford just about any R107 or R129, I think the R230 cars are better by enough margin to justify their price premium. The whys are never having owned anything luxury, never having owned anything with substantial power, and having a wife who cannot drive stick. It would probably go to autocross events and a Track Night in America event, but really, it's a road car that would be for road trips, back and forth to work, around town shopping, and occasionally, hauling a dog.
I guess I'm looking for perspectives from those who are less enamored with these cars and those who have hands-on experience with these cars.
After some looking, I think I've narrowed it down to the following:
SL 55 AMG.
Lots of power, and there are a lot of them out there. They're also pretty cheap, and a little lighter in the nose than the V12 cars. Between 493 and 510hp, but about 4400 lbs. They seem to be gettable between $15k and $35k, with the majority around $24-$28k. MPG is crappy, but yeah, that's expected. Slow manumatic "AMG speedshift" transmission, with "one-Mississippi, two-Mississippi" manual shifts.
SL 65 AMG.
Silly amounts of power: 604hp, 738lb ft. I can only afford the pre-facelift version of this car, so like the SL 55, the newest car under consideration is a 2008. MPG is similar to the SL 55, but running costs go up due to more expensive consumables, like 24 spark plugs and $1000 ea coil packs. Pricing here is getting up there a bit - $35k seems to be a workable amount for a solid driver with a clean history. Same slow transmission, though I suspect it might matter a bit less.
SL 63 AMG.
The 63 replaced the 55 when the R230 got a major facelift in 2009. Some think this is an ugly car, but it's one of my favorites. The big advantage is the MCT transmission, which blips downshifts and approaches dual-clutch shift performance. This is the only NA engine, and has the middle peak HP and lowest peak torque: 518hp, 465 lb ft. The bottom end of well sorted drivers is at the absolute top of what I could consider spending. Prices on those dip into the high $40k range. It's a real stretch, and I'd rather spend far less.
From what I've been able to gather, the performance problem for all of these cars is weight. They're starting to bring it down with the newest cars, but all of the cars under consideration are around 4400 lbs. There is a guy at our autocross who seems to be doing quite well with a Challenger Scat Pack automatic. The SL55 and SL63 flank the Challenger closely in power to weight, and the SL65 is significantly higher.
The weak point that seems to come up time and again, is that all of these cars have Active Body Control suspension. Internet wisdom is that ABC isn't lifetime fluid, and I would want to do an ABC system flush when I get the car and every two years or 30k miles thereafter.