After 320K, my trasns went out in my XJ.. Anyone replace one? Auto 4x4, looks pretty straight forward, the only issue I see is how to disconect the torque converter from the flex plate. Anyone done one recently got any tips? Ive never dealt with a torque converter before..
2/22/12 1:22 p.m.
Straight forward. The kicker are the top-most bolts on the bell-housing. Drop the trans X-member so the trans can hang down (supported though) so you can get your extensionS and 9 flex sockets up there to get those bolts off. It helps if you are drunk though, that way you won't feel the pain.
I miss my XJ....
The top bolts are also an external torx bit E-10. Your local parts store should carry one if you don’t already have it. In a pinch you can use a 12 point 10mm socket.
So the flex plate isnt bad to disconect? Looks like it bolts through the flexplate into the troque converter? i got a replacement trans with a turque converter and it looks like it has 4 studs on it.
2/22/12 2:34 p.m.
GrantMLS wrote:
So the flex plate isnt bad to disconect? Looks like it bolts through the flexplate into the troque converter? i got a replacement trans with a turque converter and it looks like it has 4 studs on it.
Yeah, hunk of cake. Just use loc-tite when you put them in. I can't tell you how many vehicles I've worked on with a "terrible knock" after replacing a rear-mail or trans part. Those bolts will back out if they aren't locked in.
2/22/12 9:57 p.m.
AW4s are a great trans to replace in the sense that they are so reliable and long-lasting, that if you break one you can simply buy a used one, for which there is very little demand because they rarely break, and swap it in with good assurances that it will work, and for a long time. 
Unbolting the torque concertor from the flex plate is just like unbolting a clutch from a flywheel.
Be sure you remove the convertor WITH the transmission.. Makes replacement much easier.
thanks for the info.. picked up a trans with 58K miles for 150, going to try and get it swapped this weekend.
OK so I finnaly got some time and weather to get started, got the drive shafts out, exhauset off. Whats the easiest way to disconect the transfer cases's linkage? Looks like it has a bracket that its attached to off the trasnfer case but not sure i can get to all the bolts, I can only wee 2 on the side but looks like it may have some on the top side.