What’s the one car that kick-started your love of cars? For GRM Senior Editor J.A. Ackley, it was a 1974 Cadillac Eldorado convertible his mother bought new. You can read the story here.
As is so often the case, other things came up and the Cadillac sat.
Now, however, J.A. ha…
Read the rest of the story
Not many people get to enjoy the car that inspired their love of cars, I'm glad you are able to enjoy yours, J.A.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/14/23 11:48 a.m.
I arrived last night and scoped out the car with JA. I've got two days here in NY, so our goal is simple: Make as much progress as possible towards turning the Cadillac back into a running, driving car. It's been sitting untouched since 2011, when it was briefly driven after being parked in the 90s.

Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/14/23 11:50 a.m.
First step? Clear enough hedge to get the car out.

Tried to roll it out. Something locked up in the left rear. Dragged it a bit. Still locked. Parts store run.

Meanwhile, let's plug in a new battery. The good news, things light up, engine turns over.
dude, your mom was a pimp!
i'm so ready to follow along. good luck!
J.A. Ackley said:

Tried to roll it out. Something locked up in the left rear. Dragged it a bit. Still locked. Parts store run.
What kind of light is that? I need that for climbing under cars.
Its like one of the Late Brake Show Barnfind episodes, good stuff.
I'm no help on the Caddy, but make sure that cut edge of the hedge is slightly angled up and toward the center of the plants, so that new growth will fill in all the way to the bottom. Otherwise you'll be looking at those bare branches forevermore.

It's out for the first time since 2011. Time to wash and then back to work on it. Need to get that left rear moving.
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
I think it is this light.
My old boss had a red ’76 Eldorado convertible–back in my Automod days. We were a Koni dealer, and he once noted that the Caddy was so equipped.
I saw the one car garage and thought, "this car is gonna take up every inch of the garage to fit." Add to that the long doors and getting in/out is probably a challenge.
I'm reminded of my youth. The neighbor was a Cadillac man. He'd get a new one every few years. I remember that his detached, one car garage had a little bump out to the rear wall. At some time, this was required to fit his Sedan Deville in the garage.
Like this was done at the rear of the garage so the long hood could go into the new space.

In reply to J.A. Ackley :
What!!... Larry Kosilla wasn't even invited!!
In reply to John Welsh :
If you take a close look at the photo of Tom and J.A. standing in front of the garage, you can see where they extended it to fit the car.

Will it fire. Not yet. Checking spark. It has spark.
J.A. Ackley said:

Yes, new oil please.
that looks like old-school Pennzoil
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/14/23 3:44 p.m.
It runs!*
*On carb cleaner. Next step is to get fuel to the carburetor.
Awesome! This is doing nothing to stop my ridiculous Caddy-curiosity.

We have confirmation that the engine runs, via this setup. Good news. More parts coming tomorrow.
In reply to Jesse Ransom :
Same here. Craigslist already got perused because of this thread.