grtechguy Dork
5/19/08 1:36 p.m.

Just noticed another thing Hess and Baxter might be able to fix.

the member since: XXXXX

says I joined on the 12th of May

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/19/08 1:39 p.m.

Screw that. Post counts are headache enough.

John Brown
John Brown SuperDork
5/19/08 1:40 p.m.
grtechguy wrote: Just noticed another thing Hess and Baxter might be able to fix. the member since: XXXXX says I joined on the 12th of May

You did!!!

NYG95GA Dork
5/19/08 1:47 p.m.

Ah, the gut-wrenching liberation of rebirth!

MustangSix None
5/19/08 1:50 p.m.

But I've been here since we were on EZBoards.....:what??:

grtechguy Dork
5/19/08 1:52 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote: Screw that. Post counts are headache enough.

lol....good point

Lugnut Reader
5/19/08 2:41 p.m.

Yeah, bummer... I liked that I was a member since 2004 but only had 380 posts. :)

Helterskelter None
5/19/08 3:17 p.m.

Yeah, I hope the member since dates get restored. Does anyone know how people end up with so many thousands of posts? Do they spam the ignore thread constantly? I've been averaging ~65 posts a year, and I thought I was fairly active. :omg:

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/19/08 3:21 p.m.

Some people post 65 times a day, or close to it.

And it would take an act of God (or Margie) to get me to wade into trying to update all those member-since dates.

Helterskelter Reader
5/19/08 3:28 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote: Some people post 65 times a day, or close to it. And it would take an act of God (or Margie) to get me to wade into trying to update all those member-since dates.

Yeah it's no big deal. As for 65 times a day, do y'all do anything at work? :grin: I only post occasionally because I have a lot of respect for the knowledge of this community, and mostly only offer my input if I know what I'm talking about, or it's something asking for an opinion.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
5/19/08 3:51 p.m.

What's the field name for date joined in the old table? I can't tell. You probably only need to add one line to the SQL to include date joined. I see it in the new table structure. The hard part is the linking and that will all stay the same. You just add ',new_table_field_name=old_table_field_name' after the other 'set' pair of field names and before the "where". However, it looks like the old board wasn't using the datetime format to store dates. That makes it a little harder because you'll have to convert the date formats as the new one is datetime.

Keith SuperDork
5/19/08 4:16 p.m.

Whoa, take that kind of talk offline! :grin:

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