Sorry gents, no girls. But I did want to share my process and experience with this product.
First off. I watched the videos. I kinda followed the instructions. And my results showed it.
This NC is the Marble White flavor. Meaning not too many colors go with it as an accent. The wife helped me choose this:
Rose Gold.
So I'm not one for patience. And Supwrap says to spray in warmer temps and 60% or less humidity. Eh... sure. Some days I need "IDGAF" tattooed somewhere.
So about it I went. I did not pull the wheels, left them on, and taped off around everything. The base coat gray actually ended up looking so good that the wife and took a Step back and said "we should stop here". We didn't.
Then winter decided to come over.
probably should stop painting. Nope. I kept going. IDGAF. The first layer of Rose Gold was interesting. It very much looks to be an anodized finish, which, over the pastel Grey, was neat.
Almost stopped here... looking shinier than the pics show here. Did I stop? No.
I kept going, and here is where I think I got in over my head. Not sure if it was the temps, the application distance, or the vertical application on the wheel, but I started getting runs. Not a big deal for me. I dabbed them with my finger. They would some what level out, and the next coat would hide the run alright.
I like it. It's shiny, it's removable, it is different than every wheel I see that is black or silver, it accents well.
Some notes: I purchased a kit for 17" wheels. I have a can of base left over, and a can of rose gold left over. Now I can do touch ups down the road. There are way more than 10 coats on this thing. Probably double that. I gave it the 10mins in between coats, and this might also be why the paint ran a little, since the temps were below 40°, and humidity about 55% the first day, and solid snow the next day.
anyway, judge away. I did this to do something different than plastidip. It is MUCH shinier than PD and looks more like paint. All in one step.