Second posting under craigslist autos. This mother is soooo clean. Wow. I need to save it from becoming a donk.
Second posting under craigslist autos. This mother is soooo clean. Wow. I need to save it from becoming a donk.
When the seller writes an add that actually offers the car for sale, then it might be worth it, the way it is I wouldnt even bother. I hate it when people write adds like that.
I had one of those as the first project I did with my Mechanics class.
Not much else you can do with a non-collectible Impala though.
+1 for greenhouse back window. Always though one of these would be cool with a 454, 4 speed and a NASCAR themed paint job.
I had one of those with the 6-cylinder, worst POS ever. If it doesn't say V8 specifically, I would be worried.
496 Vortech straight out of a wrecked ton truck. Just like that wagon that was on here a few weeks back.
I had two of these as a kid (also in Illinois). I bought one for $350 and the other for $100
Great, solid machines that were great for teenage shennanigans.
The one pictured is a base model Impala. The Caprices were available with the 350 instead of the 305. Either way, smooth power, great cruiser.
The one posted has been repainted, and is in IL. Before buying I'd check it very closely for loads of bondo. These "bubble back" cars are getting hard to find, but can be really cool done correctly.
"Make an offer, but not too low of an offer, I won't tell you want I want out of it, but I know exactly how much is too little, can you guess what that number is? If not I'll be pissed and berate you via email."
I emailed him. I was very polite and tried not to offend him. Yes the ad was a big piece of crap as far as wording and intentions go, but, what the Hell, its craigslist.
Remember, everything off of an Impala SS fits.
I saw one of those mated to a wagon rear to make an awesome late-'70s/early-'80s Nomad. It was badass.
In reply to Appleseed:
Very nice, buy it!
Always wanted one of these for an early edition, prequel, '95 SS remod. . Unfortunately, here in the northeast, NYC, most 79-87 Impalas are beat to the devil 4 door taxis. I would love to find a 2 door grandma Impala . Caprice even better.
those used to be dirt cheap- i've had 3 of them, all solid, and the most expensive one cost me $300. one was a 77 Impala and the other 2 were 78 Caprices.
i swapped the 350/700r4 out of an 87 9C1 into the '77 Impala. that thing was a cruiser.. i had plans to swap the entire 9C1 suspension, steering, and rear axle into it, but was forced to junk out the cop car before i could get all that stuff off the car because i had to get it out of my friend's garage before they moved.
ScottRA21 wrote: ...I must be one of the few here who just doesn't get it....
One of at least two. That car is fugly.
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