I was flipping through an old Dupont Registry I got for free and there was a full page ad in it for a private race track in south central Florida. It's available for short and long term rentals. There are some rudimentary facilities, as well as a 3000' air strip. No mention of exactly where, but I would guess it is between Naples and Ft. Lauderdale somewhere.
Any GRMers in South Fl familiar with this facility? The aerial photo shows a pretty interesting layout.
Can you show us the aerial photo?? I haven't heard of it, but might be able to figure out it's location based on surrounding geography that I am familiar with.
Yeah could be "the FIRM" before the latest redevelopment. Now the old runway's part of the track and they have very fancy facilities.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
What's the Firm, and where is it?
It's definitely not the Firm. I know the owner of that facility, plus it's in North Florida, not South Florida.
I found this picture someone took of the ad posted online.

Haven't heard of one but that would be cool if there was something closer to me.
1/25/14 6:30 p.m.
It is approximately 20mi south southwest of Clewiston, FL(south side of Lake Okeechobee) and via google earth, seems to be sand covered and otherwise abandoned as a race track. 
1/25/14 7:51 p.m.
I think this is what Yamaha found. Matches the pic and seems to be abandoned.
Race Track
1/25/14 8:33 p.m.
In reply to Hal:
That's it alright, was probably a scam of some sort.
1/25/14 10:24 p.m.
In reply to dyintorace:
Looks like that business opp you've been hunting!
yamaha wrote:
It is approximately 20mi south southwest of Clewiston, FL(south side of Lake Okeechobee) and via google earth, seems to be sand covered and otherwise abandoned as a race track.
Nicely done (Hal too)! Did you know about it already or did you actually find it via Google Earth??
If it was a little closer to a main highway, it might be an interesting opportunity. As for it being a scam, if it is, it would be an expensive one. I imagine full page ads in Dupont Registry aren't cheap!
1/26/14 10:23 a.m.
Well that is pretty awesome! I will definitely be attempting to get to the course next time I'm anywhere close.
Very cool. How old is the ad?
Maybe they started and couldnt get the permits?
Talk about solitude...no one to complain about the noise!
Probably a coincidence, but the straightaway looks like an airstrip. Being located in a desolate part of Florida once known for it's contributions to the logistics of contraband substances from Columbia, it probably got more than it's share of scrutiny from the DEA.
GPS coordinates are: 26° 30.501' N 81° 2.605' W.
It is still registered by the state as a racetrack and was bought by Seminole Tracks @ 600 Madison Avenue, NY, NY in 2004 for $900K. (Thanks to Hendry County, Florida's online property appraiser's offices)
And there's no telling how old that google maps satellite pics either. The layout from the add is slightly different from the layout from the map pic. The map shows another section at the bottom that connects to the end of the runway. Maybe it has been renovated or cleaned up since the satellite pic.
Hmmm... A little over an hour away from me. May have to take a trip.
1/26/14 4:30 p.m.
Hmm, well it was claimed to be in an "old DuPont registry". And it appeared finished at some point.
Spoolpigeon wrote:
And there's no telling how old that google maps satellite pics either. The layout from the add is slightly different from the layout from the map pic. The map shows another section at the bottom that connects to the end of the runway. Maybe it has been renovated or cleaned up since the satellite pic.
1/26/14 5:56 p.m.
dyintorace wrote:
Nicely done (Hal too)! Did you know about it already or did you actually find it via Google Earth??
I just used the general location that Yamaha gave and went looking for the square pond in the middle of it using Google maps satellite view.
so we need one of those big blower trucks to clean it off. it almost looks like nobody anywhere nearby to hear if someone was there playing.
1/26/14 8:43 p.m.
There are two buildings and there were some school buses sitting there on the Google maps satelite view I found it with......so its probably gated off.
Oh, I also found it via Google maps......there are a E36 M3load of small single strip airports in southern Florida.
1/26/14 8:51 p.m.
Its strange how I can't find any info about this place on the webs. Its super secret!
It looks like "Seminole Tracks," the new owners, run the motocross track in the area too.
Google Earth has a time bar you can use to get more info.
the latest Google Earth aerial is Dec 2010 and it looks like it's covered in sand. If you zoom in, it looks like thepavment is still there. 2007 shows a shorter course and it's not there in Nov 2005. It was previously agricultural land. I'm not the airstrip was ever an airstrip and ti wasn't presnet early on. I suspect it may have been a drag strip. The Xs are to keep aircraft off of it.