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Appleseed Reader
4/14/09 7:43 p.m.


What would Smoky Yunick do?

Moparman Reader
4/14/09 10:08 p.m.

Trophy more times than not, but small class until this year's reclassifications.

aussiesmg Dork
4/14/09 11:07 p.m.

If you are complying with the rules why should he get away with flouting these same rules, I have been in this situation and I reported the vehicle as it was a flagrant violation and a significant advantage.

If I had not I wouldn't have won the State title that year.

Hal HalfDork
4/15/09 11:20 a.m.
Moparman wrote: He was protested in another region last year and was bumped to prepared so he is aware of a problem.

In other words, he was nailed for the infraction and has now moved to another location to see how long he can get away with it there.

IMO, a no brainer. Protest immediately.

weezilusa New Reader
4/15/09 1:26 p.m.

I think to help ease the tension of basically confronting him about it (if you do that prior to protest), would be to bring it up casually in the context of how you just got moved into that class... So you are just trying to get a feel for the rules of that class and your fellow competitors (which you are already pretty familiar with)... That way you can be somewhat less confrontational about it, and hopefully he doesn't take it too badly... My car is hopelessly outclassed the way I have currrently built it, but I know that, and I'm just going out there to have fun... Its an insult to others that have worked hard to prep their cars for a specific class to blatantly be breaking the rules, know about it, and still try to get away with it.

G_Stock New Reader
4/15/09 2:38 p.m.

I say: Don't Bob Costas foot around it, if you have the damning evidence that he is in fact cheating, whether he knows he is or not is irrelevant. If he knows it and get's pissed you called him on it, that's not your fault, you didn't class his car or put the illegal parts on it. If he doesn't know, then he should have no issue moving to the correct class and be damn grateful you showed him the error of his ways.

Your not being a jack@ss by pointing out the rules, they're there for a reason.

If he cries about it he can have one of my kids old pacifiers to console him.

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