Normally I find car shopping fun. I look at it as a game, and the goal is to win by getting the car I want at the lowest price possible. But since it's Covid pricing, and we're not even a year into the payments on the new Sportage I'm not looking forward to shopping.
So to start the story, my son is A senior and takin auto tech as a trade. Apparently I neglected to instruct him that he needs to check the oil in his car, and 6k after the oil change there's no oil on the stick and it's knocking. This is what I find when we drop the pan and inspect the 2 and 4 rod bearings:
We've been sharing my 1998 Ram for about 6-8 weeks. In that time he managed to slide into a guard rail in the snow and damage the front bumper and headlight, but luckily the only sheet metal damage was the headlight bucket that the auto body shop at school fixed for free.
I've been trying to figure out what to do on his car and finally found a salvage titled SX4 with 113k for $1k that I figured I could take the engine and other parts from to fix his and then scrap the rest. The plan was to look at it this weekend and tow it home so he could work on it over school vacation.
Those plans changed when he called me in his way to school to tell me he had an accident. This is what I arrived to:
So the insurance company is looking at it tomorrow, but based on the year, mileage, and initial look at the photos the claims rep says the initial assessment is that it will likely be totaled.
That changes the plans to get the SX4 for my sons car, since I don't have a way to get it, and now I need to find something for myself, without the option of waiting until fall of 2023 like I had originally planned.
The question is now what to get for myself. The goal is to keep it under $15k ( but $10k would be even better), manual transmission (nice to have, not mandatory), reliable enough to be a daily driver, and something that will last a few year and maybe even hold it's value. Oh yeah, towing 2k would be good so I can possibly use the snowmobiles if we ever get snow that sticks around
I've been looking at all sorts of unrelated vehicles, and not all make sense, but I need to really get focused and start making plans for the weekend.
As an example here are some of the things I've been cross shopping online:
I'm open to comments about the ones linked (good and bad) and suggestions on sites that may be better for searching.
Thanks in advance.