Tom Suddard
Digital Experience Director
10/10/18 11:07 a.m.
Want to follow all of the low-buck action from the $2018 Challenge without making the trip to Gainesville Raceway? We’ll be broadcasting live from the Challenge all day on Friday starting with the morning autocross. We’ll be live with all the action during recurring half-hour segments throughout th…
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10/10/18 11:08 a.m.
Awesome! This was great to watch last year, and with how your videos have grown over the year should be even better.
Tom Suddard
Digital Experience Director
10/10/18 11:16 a.m.
It's almost time for the Challenge! We're loading everything up now.

10/10/18 12:10 p.m.
Your mom is probably happy i’m not coming to destroy more of her shiny cones
I may have to have an office day on Friday so i can watch.
Tom Suddard
Digital Experience Director
10/10/18 3:58 p.m.
Competitor packets are getting stuffed now!
Tom Suddard
Digital Experience Director
10/10/18 3:59 p.m.
In reply to Patrick :
Thanks to you we no longer have shiny cones. :(
10/10/18 4:17 p.m.
How many entries did we get this year?
10/10/18 5:56 p.m.
For those spectating in person (me) what sort of addresses do I need?
Mndsm said:
For those spectating in person (me) what sort of addresses do I need?
4200 NW 97th Blvd, Gainesville, FL 32606
11211 N, N County Road 225, Gainesville, FL 32609
Tom Suddard
Digital Experience Director
10/11/18 6:18 a.m.

Turns out the trophies are going to be a bit of a parking lot build, too. I finished them up at 2am, then realized I was out of silver spray paint. To the parking lot!
I can't wait for the videos!!! Wish I was there.
10/11/18 9:37 p.m.
I brought my full compliment of paint markers. See yall in the am.
When will you be starting the live coverage?
I hope they are live for Jeremy's "reveal" of his "yet unseen" wagon.
Wish I could be there. I am hoping to see some of this on line. I did see the "Wagon" on another thread. Very crazy awesome.
In reply to Mike924 :
Probably not the same wagon. The one I'm talking about looks like a Studebaker.
EDIT: Yes it is on FB
Tom Suddard
Digital Experience Director
10/12/18 10:08 a.m.
And we'll be live on Facebook and YouTube in about 2 minutes.
John Welsh said:
I hope they are live for Jeremy's "reveal" of his "yet unseen" wagon.
is the 2x4 pointed at the windshield an homage to a certain porsche replica from a couple years ago?
In reply to sleepyhead :
Expect two "photo runs" with body and then remaining w/o body.
I too commented about that "spear"
The thing is generally impossible to see out of. Imagine dodging cones with this view.

In reply to John Welsh :
if it's a "conestoga wagon" riff... maybe it should be considered the "yoke" ?
*note this thread has required that I spell-check two words already
Ovid_and_Flem said:
Tom Suddard said:
And we'll be live on Facebook and YouTube in about 2 minutes.
This link should get you to the previous segment that was live earlier