Getting closer to the target...
We test drove a 2013 GX460 with 78k miles, expected a real cherry and boy was I wrong! It was quite trashed, clearly had dog owners. Major vibration in the front end on the highway the Lexus dealer mechanics "didn't notice", and stated "must be flat spotted tires" (tires were also brand new...). Ignoring those faults and assessing the drivability and overall package: not impressed. It certainly handled well, very flat while cornering, but the interior and powertrain leave a LOT to be desired. I get that it's a basic truck, but the V8 never felt like it was making more than V6 power (maybe this is due to the weight or pedal calibration?), even at WOT. Compared to our Pathfinder V8, the pathfinder is a damn rocket ship. We both agreed our Pathfinder V8 with 150k miles was in better shape than this example, and drove nicer other than the flat-handling of the GX.
Asking price: $28,000! Is it really worth $20k more than our current Pathfinder V8? No. Hard pass, we won't be looking at another GX. I really came in wanting to like it, it seemed perfect on paper, but it's not for us.

Next up, the wild card! Porsche Cayenne Diesel. This one was quite the find: local in MI, 3 previous owners (First 2 were in CA and TX, only in MI for a couple years), emissions recall was performed relatively late (2018 sept, so still almost 2 yrs left on the extended warranty), and it was listed for a great price ($5k less than the lexus).

Of course, there had to be something wrong, right? Taking a look at the nearly pristine (for MI standards) underbody, noticed a not-so-small oil puddle, uh oh. The dealer stated they just did an oil change, maybe it was leftover spillage or they overfilled? Wishful thinking.

Wall of text long story incoming:
Of course, these don't have a dipstick, you have to use the oil level cluster info. And this only works when the engine oil is warm and the car sits key-off for several minutes before attempting. We took it for a short drive and were blown away, it felt like a private jet compared to the tonka truck Lexus. After getting back, checked the oil level and it was at minimum, not good.
We asked the salesperson to get it on a lift to take a look, but the answer was "its saturday and we cant put it on the lift due to the oil leak". What?? I guess they didnt want to put it up there, since the techs who "do the major work" don't come in Saturdays. We left and told them we were very interested (Probably a mistake, I should have pushed to see it on a lift immediately), and wanted to hear back on what they found with the leak on Monday. 1hr later we get a call stating they magically were able to get it on the lift after we left! This is why people hate dealers (it's a Ford dealer, what do you expect?).
Good news, it was a broken oil drain plug (common problem on the diesels apparently?). Bad news, who knows how long its been running on minimum oil level. I never did notice the low oil pressure light, or notice low oil pressure on the cluster, and I'm assuming they broke the plug when they changed the oil upon delivery. I'll take a gamble on this, since the emissions warranty continues until 2022 Sept., if it's wiped the bearings or turbo, it will likely fail before then and the emissions warranty covers damn near everything on the engine.
TLDR: broken oil drain plug, they're getting a new plug Monday and I'll likely buy it then AFTER getting PPI by local indy porsche shop.
Super pumped, I am now spoiled by Porsche interiors and I can't go back. The diesel is a workhorse, it drives very similar to the new Chevy 3.0L diesel; amazing on the highway, not so quick off the line, torque for days.
Plan is to upsize tires one aspect ratio to start, 255/60R18 if I can find some decent mild A/T tires like a Falken Wildpeak or Nokian Rotiiva. Roof rack, hitch install, and just drive it.
The only build I could find that offers any idea on the aftermarket is Jeff Seeleys, amazing work, they sourced a custom KW coilover based on VW Touareg military spec (??). Those may be in the cards in the future.
I can't find anything on KW's site, but I do see these DDC spec coilovers, not cheap!