Looking for a Rad-era sedan that’s not from one of the usual suspects? How about this Audi 4000 Quattro?

In addition to having an engine in “perfect condition” (the seller says the car successfully made the drive from California to Florida), the Audi is also noted to feature an…
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In High School one of my teachers bought a black on black one of those new, super cool.
Had an '85 4000s Quattro (shown below, circa 1995-ish outside the Bristol House of Pizza where we all gathered after ice racing on Newfound Lake, NH) - bought it with 163K miles, sold it with 225K. Ran better the harder I pushed it - loved the 5-cylinder wail. Won several ice racing trophies with it (got to love the manually-locking diffs). One of the few cars I really regret selling, but I don't know if my nostalgia is worth the $12k asking price for the car in the article...

2/5/24 8:28 p.m.
Oof, I can smell the burning electrical system from here.
Source: My Audi