Erick Navetta is currently building his 1974 Fiat 128 for his wife. As he writes in the first post of his 23-page build thread on our message board, "Because what I really needed was another project."
Before coming into their lives, the Fiat had been sitting-for a while.
"The previ…
Read the rest of the story
Well deserved article, the 128 is one of the coolest cars on the forums.
"We cook delivery 25 years later, to the day! It was parked in 1996 after the head gasket popped and was put into storage until last week."
Should be:
"We took delivery 25 years later, to the day! It was parked in 1996 after the head gasket popped and was put into storage until last week."
Great article and well-deserved. Now how about some updates, Mr. Burrito? :)
3/29/16 12:35 p.m.
In reply to Stefan (Not Bruce):
Erick Navetta is currently building chis 1974 Fiat 128 for his wife
Erick Navetta is currently building his 1974 Fiat 128 for his wife
Sorry about the added c's, guys. Not sure what happened between copying from the pdf and pasting here.
Stefan (Not Bruce) wrote:
Great article and well-deserved. Now how about some updates, Mr. Burrito? :)
Hang on just a few more weeks, Stefan.
Everything of mine is moved out of the rental shop, Vault 6, and is unceremoniously piled up around the house right now. I've gotta get everything organized, sell off unnecessary items, and get both the garage and the basement workshop squared away before I get to play Super Happy Funtime Car Modifying again.
End of an era for me right here.

I've got a lot still coming on this, the 850 Coupe, and another yet-to-be-discussed project that I think you guys will like.
Oh, and thanks for the love, GRM Staff. It feels really good to have someone pick you out of the herd and say "this guy's work is worth sharing". My wife and I appreciate it very much!
What a great little car it will be when finished.
Burrito wrote:
Oh, and thanks for the love, GRM Staff. It feels really good to have someone pick you out of the herd and say "this guy's work is worth sharing". My wife and I appreciate it very much!
Our pleasure. It's a cool story that needed to be shared.
Awesome. I have a soft spot for 1970's Fiats. Back in the late 80's I lived in Sicily. I owned a lot of cars during my 2 years there, many were memorable, but my absolute favorite was a crappy-beige 1974 124 Coupe with the 1756cc engine. The body was rough, the interior was worse but that sweet twin-cam 4-banger made up for all that. I swapped in dual Weber 44IDF carbs and some hotter camshafts (the specs escape me, it was a long time ago.....). The muffler, however it came from the factory was pretty much a straight thru unit by that time. The memory of the sounds that thing made still brings a smile to my face. What a great little beater car to horse up and down those twisty mountain roads. Not a car for anyone who is afraid of a little (ok a lot) of constant maintenance and tweaking, but what a joy it was to own and drive.