National Maritime Museum Cornwall and one of the oldest, and most influential, families in Cornwall are working together to conserve possibly the oldest Birch Bark Canoe in existence.

Brought back to the UK by a British Officer after the revolution.
I don't get it. What are they selling?
Antiques Road Show had a guy with a dugout canoe once. I think it was over 500 years old. I dont remember the value but it was surprisingly inexpensive because most people don't have any where to store one.
Sure, but is it seaworthy?
2/12/11 7:41 a.m.
I may be mistaken, but I believe this one is the oldest wooden boat ever found by archaeologists:
2000 year old fisherman's boat
I was in Israel and saw it recently, and it is fascinating. It sat under muck for 2000 years.
Of course, there is a LOT of hype with it too. It was found on the Sea of Galilee, so it was instantly dubbed the "Jesus Boat", and brought with it lots of creative speculation, but the discovery and restoration process was still fascinating.
In 1985 several dugout canoes were discovered in Lake Phelps NC. At least 1 was carbon dated to 2400 BC.
this kinda makes me remember a little tidbit from high school, when back in '72 we were building our junior year homecoming float in a building owned by a fellow classmates parents. It was a marina and there was this native american birch bark canoe on 2 saw horses for some reason, well it seems some motorhead, who was totally wasted, wanted to try and paddle the canoe while on the saw horses and you can guess what happened next......
I was never allowed to participate in any more float building for the remainder of my HS years.
TRoglodyte wrote:
1988RedT2 wrote:
Sure, but is it seaworthy?
It made it to England.
You owe me a mouthful's worth of 18 year old Macallan. Also a new keyboard.