I'll throw in my $.02 since its Friday afternoon and I'm having a hell of a time with attention/focus at work today...
Being 25 and part of the 'Adderall Generation', I've spent my entire schooling career surrounded by these drugs and the people taking them. IMHO, based on my own casual observations, only about 5% of the people on these medications actually NEED them, as in they could not be expected to function somewhat normally without taking drugs. I've probably personally known 50+ people through grade school, high school, and college that are or were prescribed to some sort of ADD meds at one time and can think of precisely two who are in the NEED category. For both of those individuals, the meds were the difference between them behaving 'normally' and being able to function on the days they would take them to bouncing off the walls, constantly getting in trouble, literally having to be restrained to stay in place for more than a second without meds. Sounds like JStand's son falls into this category as well.
One of these individuals whom I knew pretty well (who was notably like the only car guy I knew in high school who had similar tastes to mine), for an extended period of time was refusing to take his meds because he didn't like the way they altered his personality. For a while thereafter, I was certain he was on his way to jail. Lacking the ability to direct his focus towards anything productive left him susceptible to any sort of bad influence available. To be fair, I'm certain other factors - personality issues, emotional issues, lack of parental oversight - played a large part as well, however the turning point for him was getting back on the meds. Credit to him for being able to realize the direction he was heading, acknowledge the issues at play, and take corrective action. He ended up graduating high school (which looked like a serious longshot for a little while), going into the Air Force for a few years, and was working on an engineering degree the last I heard. For these people, I think medication is absolutely needed.
As for the other 95%, its being shoved down their throats by Big Pharma, and their parents and teachers are more than happy to accept it. "Oh, Johnny failed a test in school? But he's such a smart kid! Certainly can't be anything we're doing wrong, we're the perfect parents! Gotta blame it on something, let's take him to the doctor to get tested." And then once they start seeing the results, the parents are hooked because their little grade school tweaker is back to being a straight A student.
There's no doubt the stuff works - I've used enough of it (Addy, Ritalin, Concerta, ect) through college to know to know that for a fact. So many kids had a prescription it was as easy to get as a six pack - probably easier because a six pack required you to walk down the street to a convenience store. When you're staring in the face of a differential equations test the next day that you haven't studied at all for, or a chem lab report you're pulling an all nighter to finish, just pop an Addy. BOOM! Easy button!
I'm sure I could fit the criteria for an ADD diagnosis, as I match a lot of the traits other have shared above. Actually, the lack of attention during conversations thing really stuck out to me, because that's a problem I have had going back as far as I can remember and I never would have associated it with ADD. But so could anyone - like I have literally never heard of someone going to get tested for ADD and not getting a diagnosis. Would I be a lot more productive at work if I were popping 20mgs a day? Hell yea I would. But I would much rather do without the jitteriness, difficulty getting to sleep, lack of appetite, and general crackhead tendencies that come along with the drug, and instead focus on identifying my own weaknesses and working to improve myself sans meds.
Everyone lacks focus or is forced to work on or study something they have absolutely no interest in from time to time. IMO, part of the learning process is to teach yourself how to work through these issues and remain productive. Its an important life skill, but why bother to teach it when its easier to just medicate our way around the problem, right? Because pumping a ten year old full of amphetamines is just so much better for him...and then in 20 years we're all going to be wondering why everyone is having a heart attack at 50.