Boom, got my fifteen:
Question1 pts
All of the following are methods of preventing distribution system ferroresonance EXCEPT:
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What conditions are necessary to create ferroresonance in the distribution system?
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We do not experience ferroresonance on the distribution system in single phase transformers because circulating current doesn't occur between the separate phases.
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Ferroresonance in the distribution system is more likely to be experienced during geomagnetic disturbances.
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Ferroresonance in the distribution system can occur when an unloaded but energized three phase transformer loses one of the phases feeding it.
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We do not commonly experience ferroresonance on the distribution system in three phase transformer partial power situations because:
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On the distribution system ferroresonance can cause voltage spikes resulting in insulation and oil damage, causing permanent fault to the transformer.
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On the distribution system our three phase transformers are equipped with current limiting fuses (CLFs) to eliminate ferroresonance.
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Ferroresonance in the distribution system is more pronounced in single phase transformers than three phase.
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S&C transformers installed on our distribution system experience ferroresonance more than Elastimolds.
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Why do we prefer operating three phase devices over single phase devices on our distribution system with regards to ferroresonance?
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Electrical phenomenon caused when single-pole switching on three phase transformers results in an overvoltage condition in the transformer is known as what?
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Diagram A is an example of what electrical phenomenon as two phases of a three phase distribution system are closed to energize a three phase transformer?

Question1 pts
We generally do not experience ferroresonance on the distribution system during outages because _______________.
Question1 pts
_________________ is a complex nonlinear interaction between the saturation characteristics of the transformers and a capacitance. Most often, the capacitance involved is the internal winding-ground capacitances of the transformers. If there is overhead line or cables connected to the transformer bank, downstream of the open point, the line or cable capacitance can also contribute to the interaction. For __________________ to occur, there must be little or no load on the transformer bank.