Thread from 2015:
I'm 28, and am on track to look like Dr. Phil. At work today once the elevator doors closed, I looked at my reflection and noticed just how thin I was getting. The last haircut my stylist noticed it too. I always said if I went bald. Off it would go. Anyone here have experience shaving their own head? I'm still sort of undecided about it though because I have a full beard that I love, and I always thought the full beard/shaved head thing wouldn't work with me. Thoughts? Inputs? Anyone have the number for Trump's toupee maker?
Keep the beard, get a hair trimmer and use the shortest guide. Call it good.
shaving the head would negate the reason I grow a beard … I hate to shave … so I do what Kia_Racer said … clippers, with no attachment and cut the head as close as possible … every 4 - 5 weeks, redo
11/3/15 6:23 p.m.
I shaved my head for a long time. It is a breeze. Much, much easier than shaving your face. Your head is convex, and the hair is much softer so the razor just glides over it. I'd just shave it in the shower. Use soap, shave it. Then get use your hands to feel if you missed anything. I'd still do it but my wife said I just didn't have the right head for bald....she wasn't the only one that said that.
DrBoost wrote:
I shaved my head for a long time. It is a breeze. Much, much easier than shaving your face. Your head is convex, and the hair is much softer so the razor just glides over it. I'd just shave it in the shower. Use soap, shave it. Then get use your hands to feel if you missed anything. I'd still do it but my wife said I just didn't have the right head for bald....she wasn't the only one that said that.
This. Except for the wife thing, mine is the exact opposite. She hates it when I grow my hair out. It's about an inch long now and she's been barking at me to shave it.
I have my wife buzz mine like they say above, no guide. But I try to do it every 2-3 weeks. I don't like how it looks when starts to grow back.
Before you commit to shaving, you might give finasteride a shot. It's super cheap. Give it 4-6 months and if you aren't happy, at least it was cheap. Worst case scenario, it helps you keep what you have left.
DrBoost wrote:
I shaved my head for a long time. It is a breeze. Much, much easier than shaving your face. Your head is convex, and the hair is much softer so the razor just glides over it. I'd just shave it in the shower. Use soap, shave it. Then get use your hands to feel if you missed anything.
This. I'm 32. In my late 20s I cut it with the shortest guard on the electric clippers I have. Starting around age 29 or 30 I just use a decent (flexible) disposable and shave it in the shower. Its a lot easier than the electric clippers.
Mind the frequency. I shave every 5 or 6 days. Let it go to 7 or 8 and the shaving difficulty doubles the razor will clog instantly.
33, been shaving for years. It started going and like you, off it went. I don't miss it. I think I prefer it, actually. Lower maintenance.
I use one of those fusion razor with the multi blades, they last me awhile, I strop them against my forearm when they start getting dull.
Wash from head to toe in the shower, water on the warm/hot side, then lather up my head with body soap, shave and feel with my hand to see where I've missed, rinse, lather and check again. Then rinse with cold water to close the pores and let my head air dry. I usually check the top of my ears in the mirror after, I sometimes miss a few in that area. I don't get any of those shaving bumps or irritation unless the razor gets dull and needs replacing. Don't use any shaving cream or aftershave. Every 3 days or so or I look pretty bad. Works for me.
Confession: I have a large bald spot on my back, which is why I have a huge combover.
Yup, I started noticing the reduction of hair on my head after highschool.
Finally after trimming it for a while, I just started shaving it.
Pretty nice to be able to shave in the shower and not have to worry about it for a day or so.
You do have to deal with sweat running down into your eyes and bouncing your head off things under the car because you don't have hair to warn you when you get close to something. So hats help quite a bit.
I saw this at Wally World. It has tires so it must be cool.

11/3/15 7:58 p.m.
I use the headblade^. Works great but isn't any cheaper than other dent razors. Like mentioned before, it's about frequency of shaving, the more often the easier it is.
I ended up shaving my head just about every morning in the shower. I didn't like the stubble. Pull over shirts kept getting stuck on my head.
Grow a beard, get a hat. That's what I did:

Without that hat the reflection from my head is brighter than the Lancia.
Knurled wrote:
Confession: I have a large bald spot on my back, which is why I have a huge combover.
The hump back of Notre Trump
11/3/15 11:14 p.m.
I shave my noggin every 3 or 4 days because my thinning hair is patchy and looks horrible.
I've been doing it for the last 8 years or so. Mach III blades (disposables) work the best for me.
the dollar shave club things just clog up.
But, as others have said, you have to have the head for it.

BoostedBrandon wrote:
I'm 28, and am on track to look like Dr. Phil.
At work today once the elevator doors closed, I looked at my reflection and noticed just how thin I was getting. The last haircut my stylist noticed it too. I always said if I went bald. Off it would go. Anyone here have experience shaving their own head? I'm still sort of undecided about it though because I have a full beard that I love, and I always thought the full beard/shaved head thing wouldn't work with me.
Thoughts? Inputs? Anyone have the number for Trump's toupee maker?
I always said when it got too thin to part I'd shave it off - and most of the time from my teens into my mid-20's I'd had long hair. It was the best choice I've made and should have done it years sooner!
Nope, I flat refuse. When I was a kid, I had so much hair that the barber charged extra to cut it. In the 80's and 90's I rocked the mullet with hair way past my shoulders. Then it started to fall out and now I'm completely bald on top. But I completely refuse to shave the rest of it off. I keep it short, so I don't look silly, but I don't want to do the bald thing. Nor will I grow facial hair, never have.
Honestly, I'm hoping to do a hair transplant/whatever at some point.
11/4/15 6:08 a.m.
I had a ponytail from exiting Navy in 1991 to about 3 years ago, after I saw a photo of myself at a cruise-in a friend took from behind. Why didn't they tell me how thin it was getting back there?? I can't see it in the mirror! It's been fairly short since, but I can't get the courage to shave it. My head is just too damn big... (When the lady asked what I wanted to do, I did I say make it short and half-decent. If you can't, just shave it.)
I did it once. Didn't care for it. Now it's the shortest spacer on the buzzer for me. No facial hair because respirator.
11/4/15 6:45 a.m.
I second or third the trimmer, it is a mid stage Bruce Willis look.
A full ear to ear beard on a chrome dome always looks weird to me. Though a goatee type beard can look good. Depends a whole lot on the face.
Thin and splotchy head hair just looks bad to me. As does a long fringe or the always awful comb over. There comes a point where shaving just seems the right thing to do. If not daily, at least keep it to a stubble any Marine would accept.