12/26/13 5:11 p.m.
12/26/13 5:21 p.m.
I'm there with you at least in spirit. I've been sick for over a week. Feels like I been swallowing razors.
12/26/13 5:35 p.m.
I hate this. I just want to take a bite out of someone right now, and not in the fun way.
Been stuck at home with a sick 8 month old. I think that I would rather be sick than her. Its pretty pitiful.
12/26/13 5:40 p.m.
OK, yeah, that's worse. Hope she's better soon.
12/26/13 5:57 p.m.
I've been outta power since sunday morning. The inside of my house is UP ten degrees to 42 right now, so I'm in my own little version of torment right now. Hope you get better soon.
Hope you feel better soon.
Might I suggest an being in alcoholic haze?
12/26/13 6:34 p.m.
Ugh, Dr. Boost I have several friends in the same boat. Hope your power's back soon.
Benedryl haze more like... I don't drink. 
Lesley: Fluids, drain,repeat
Wow. Hope you feel better!
12/26/13 7:24 p.m.
Thanks, this was one of those days where I wish I drank, just to put me out of my misery.
Feeling better now, was too miserable even to waste time on the computer.
Hoping you feel better quick. I'm just getting over a cold but luckily it only lasted a few days. I hate the ones that drag on forever. They just suck the energy out of you.
Well, I think I'll know what you mean soon. I'm getting sick myself. Craptastic.
You know you're getting better when the grouchies kick in!
Feel better soon, the lot of ya! 
12/27/13 7:02 a.m.
get well soon Lesley … I'm with you, I HATE being sick 
Got over my cold/flu/whatever about a week ago, then promptly strained something in my back..... It all sucks...
get well soon all!
Is this 'the flu' that they're always preparing for every season?
Had a flu shot in Oct. and haven't even had the sniffles (bet I just put the kibosh on myself). Haven't heard any local reports of it either.
Get well soon.
My wife gets the "man flu" really badly. If I'm at work, she'll send at least three text messages an hour to let me know how miserable she feels.
When I get sick, I just want to be left alone.
12/27/13 10:03 a.m.
Yah, me too. I have wonderful friends who all offer to bring me stuff, but I just wanna hole up until it goes away.
A friend gave me Gregg Allman's autobiography which is hardly literature but is occasionally amusing. He says Duane was the whiniest SOB who ever lived. When Duane had a cold, nobody else could appreciate the misery he was enduring, etc. etc.
So, one day Duane had the flu and Gregg crept up to his house and left a bottle of Coricidin and a Taj Mahal record. Next day, Duane calls and says: "Quick, get over here." Gregg arrives to find Duane playing guitar with a slide FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE, "Statesboro Blues," using the Coricidin bottle.
I don't believe it either, but, what the hey, try Coricidin.
12/27/13 12:35 p.m.
chuckles wrote:
A friend gave me Gregg Allman's autobiography which is hardly literature but is occasionally amusing. He says Duane was the whiniest SOB who ever lived. When Duane had a cold, nobody else could appreciate the misery he was enduring, etc. etc.
So, one day Duane had the flu and Gregg crept up to his house and left a bottle of Coricidin and a Taj Mahal record. Next day, Duane calls and says: "Quick, get over here." Gregg arrives to find Duane playing guitar with a slide FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE, "Statesboro Blues," using the Coricidin bottle.
I don't believe it either, but, what the hey, try Coricidin.
Ooooo - I gotta read that!
I read Slash's bio a while ago - now that was amusing reading.
Can you get sick from internet contact? I feel like I've had the E36 M3 beat out of me with a Wiffle bat, mad chills, and nausea. Berk. This. E36 M3.