I'm sure most of us here qualify as geeks and those that find wrestling with rusted nuts and bolts therapeutic
In fact, I enjoy wrenching and fabricating more than driving/riding sometimes 
So what are your favorite books/websites etc that feed your inner geeks i.e. cars/bikes/engines/welding/fabrication/tools/garages/electrical work/etc
For home repairs, electrical work I've found the Reader's Digest articles fairly helpful. In fact, I was thinking of subscribing to their 'family handyman' magazine but not sure how much of the 'how to unclog the toilets' articles I can take every year 
I also found a 'Basic Country Living' book on amazon the other night that looks interesting which talks about how to basically survive on your own if you lived in the country like building sheds, barns, fences etc.
I also like http://www.smokstak.com/ <--- Crazy old antique engine stuff.. Very practical.
I have yet to find a good hobby farm page, aside from mother earth news. I'm 30 and I am already planning my retirement hobby farm.
another cool project site.
view cheap Blue-Ray laser. will light matches
I like hackaday as well. Another one is www.makezine.com
+1 Smokestak
This guy is cool
For my 1st gen RX-7
Cool car stuff
Robotics stuff
Home made electricity
Same as above.
You never know what you will find on here you might need another cop car.
I read MAKE magazine. Great projects.
Good stuff, this should keep me busy for a few weekends. I knew some of you geeks were hiding here 
I too am in my early 30s and have been considering hobby farming...I'm sure it's tougher than it seems but I'm getting tired of the corporate rat race especially out here, it's just gotten too fast paced for my sanity.
Of course my hobby farming would be more like a barn with 50 cars, tractors, engines and what not in it plus a small 'proving ground' style track 
3/13/09 5:37 a.m.
I recently found mp3car.com, and was blown away by some of the things there doing there with mini pc's (and cell phones, etc..)
i experimented with a carpc several years ago, and wasnt real happy with it, but so many programming and hardware advances have been made in the past few years, its a ground ball to first to put one in just about any car and it aint just dvd's anymore. navigation, data logging,video recording obd integration (if you have a car that new :) ) blue tooth devices, etc, etc... oh, and theres music stuff too...
Ive also been reading up at the autospeed site posted above, , some very cool stuff there as well and ive got a intelligent ic cooler controller in my "to be installed" pile...
so now im building one...there, my geekness exposed

BackyardChickens.com - we're going to start raising chickens for eggs so I've been reading up here. Good website and forum, very helpful people.
found another one.
Found this really inspiring, there's a book and a documentary out there on hime:
This is pretty cool, a collection of articles from the old popular mechanics and other similar magazines:
3/15/09 10:49 p.m.
3/16/09 12:20 p.m.
My sister sent me a surprise gift of this book, and it's pretty cool. Lots of low-budget tips and neat ideas. Fairly UK-centric but also some international content (the BABE rally gets a mention).