8/13/13 6:12 a.m.
We need you to relocate at least a few hundred miles north so there's no risk of the GRM HQ falling in a sink hole. It seems every week the news is covering another story about a house, or in this case a Disney resort getting swallowed up by the earth. If you guys get eaten by the earth, the only automotive writing worth reading is by Peter Egan, and he's getting old.
When you thought Margie was building a patio, she was actually shoring up GRM World Headquarters to 400 ft. below sea level.
But naughty GRMers make lousy landfill
A Disney resort got swallowed?
I think GRM is safe... only a few thousand yards away from the ocean, unless it floods. Notice most of the sinkholes are inland?
Margie was attempting to build a patio for the
first time. She bought 100 cement blocks. Laying them out
in a pattern, she discovered the chosen area was too small.
She stacked the blocks against the house and cleared more
space. The next day Margie put the cement blocks back down,
only to find that the ground was too hard to keep the
patio level.
She ordered a truckload of sand to be delivered the following
morning. Again she stacked the 100 blocks against the house.
Observing all this, our ‘nosey’ next-door neighbor asked,
“Hey! Margie, are you going to put that patio away ‘EVERY’
carguy123 wrote:
A Disney resort got swallowed?
I think they are praying that a sinkhole takes the Camry...
8/13/13 8:31 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
A Disney resort got swallowed?
News Article Title says:
Florida sinkhole swallows parts of resort near Disney World
Funny, the news station this morning called it "part of a disney resort" but the article said it's not. Am I to believe a newscaster got it wrong, or even obviscated the truth for ratings????
8/13/13 8:33 a.m.
Think of it as "going underground".
DrBoost wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
A Disney resort got swallowed?
News Article Title says:
Florida sinkhole swallows parts of resort near Disney World
Funny, the news station this morning called it "part of a disney resort" but the article said it's not. Am I to believe a newscaster got it wrong, or even obviscated the truth for ratings????
Disney sent a water-boarding squad out to purge their name from this moments after intercepting the 911 calls.
I got to admit, the GRM office is not the glass pyramid, idea generating, place with stellar views, I had pictured in my head.... You might be right, a sinkhole has got to be really close.
What's with the increase in sinkholes lately? 
+1 on Disney sending out the media dogs
Disney was open the day after Hurricane Charlie hit (2004) --- trying to make it seem like all was normal. (to keep the tourists coming)
This was far from the truth, as any one flying into Orlando could tell you. Blue tarps on roofs for as far as the eye could see. EVERY beachfront hotel in Daytona was destroyed, or damaged. Watching the National news though......all is well! Disney is open!
Sinkholes are a nightmare come true. Not too long ago a guy was swallowed up while in bed-----what a horrible way to go. Like a bad horror movie come to life.
8/13/13 9:58 a.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Sinkholes are a nightmare come true. Not too long ago a guy was swallowed up while in bed-----what a horrible way to go. Like a bad horror movie come to life.
Yeah, I remember that. Talk about chills down your spine man! When I was a kid a sinkhole opened up and swallowed the better part of a 70'd GM wagon my neighbor had. We thought that was terrible.
Gasoline wrote:
I got to admit, the GRM office is not the glass pyramid, idea generating, place with stellar views, I had pictured in my head.... You might be right, a sinkhole has got to be really close.
Hey, wait, it's a nice place. At least, a nice-ish place. Admittedly, in a borderline neighborhood... but we just pretend that all those people smoking and riding their bikes are hipsters, not convicted DUIs, and we're actually in Portland or Austin.
914Driver wrote:
When you thought Margie was building a patio, she was actually shoring up GRM World Headquarters to 400 ft. below sea level.
I imagine it's some kind of underground bunker complex where the blueprints for all the favorite grassroots cars and extruders for cones and other track equipment are stored in case of some kind of doomsday event.
The patio is actually the main entrance and naughty forum members aren't actually buried in it, they get used in experiments for turning zombies into post-apocalyptic racing biofuel.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Gasoline wrote:
I got to admit, the GRM office is not the glass pyramid, idea generating, place with stellar views, I had pictured in my head.... You might be right, a sinkhole has got to be really close.
Hey, wait, it's a nice place. At least, a nice-ish place. Admittedly, in a borderline neighborhood... but we just pretend that all those people smoking and riding their bikes are hipsters, not convicted DUIs, and we're actually in Portland or Austin.
Except Portland Hipsters are more detrimental to the community and annoying to deal with (hipsters don't actually spend money, real drunks do).
That said, Portland has lots to provide the GRM team. 4 real race tracks within a few hours drive. Our NASCAR cars turn right and left (Winston West, GASS, etc). Mild weather all year round and a significant lack of rust. Actual hills with fun, curvy roads. Mountains with snow. Beaches minus the annoying tourists and sunburns. Bugs that are normal sized.....
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Gasoline wrote:
I got to admit, the GRM office is not the glass pyramid, idea generating, place with stellar views, I had pictured in my head.... You might be right, a sinkhole has got to be really close.
Hey, wait, it's a nice place. At least, a nice-ish place. Admittedly, in a borderline neighborhood... but we just pretend that all those people smoking and riding their bikes are hipsters, not convicted DUIs, and we're actually in Portland or Austin.
I surely did not mean anything derogatory, Sorry. You are a really creative bunch and in my mind I sorta imagined GRMHQ, but still cool on the Bus line.

8/13/13 2:55 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
As I've said before:
Welcome to Florida. Enjoy your stay, but know that we are all doomed.
Large slimy snails - that we cannot touch without getting parasites - are going to eat our homes until they resemble swiss cheese. We'll try to retreat into the bushes, but will be unable to cope with the stinging caterpillars and nile monitors. A few brave souls will attempt to take refuge in the ocean, but will be forced back onto land by sharks, stinging jellyfish, and other poisonous creatures. None of that will matter, anyway, though, because the strawberry farmers will cause a mega-sinkhole that will engulf the entire state. (Oddly, the Burmese pythons will be welcomed, because they'll try to prevent the disaster by eating the strawberry farmers. Sadly, this will happen too late to matter.) The only areas that will survive are tacky places like the amusement park districts and I-drive, which are already entirely artificial.
Palmetto bugs will take over the state, and will elect one of their own as governor. He'll do a better job than Rick Scott, though not as well as Jeb Bush.
Wholly smokes, didn't realize we had those lizards here!
Atlanta is a fine place to relocate. Tracks that go in straight lines, all left turns or right an left turns are plentiful. So are cheap project cars!
Mod Squad
8/13/13 3:45 p.m.
Enyar wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
As I've said before:
Welcome to Florida. Enjoy your stay, but know that we are all doomed.
Large slimy snails - that we cannot touch without getting parasites - are going to eat our homes until they resemble swiss cheese. We'll try to retreat into the bushes, but will be unable to cope with the stinging caterpillars and nile monitors. A few brave souls will attempt to take refuge in the ocean, but will be forced back onto land by sharks, stinging jellyfish, and other poisonous creatures. None of that will matter, anyway, though, because the strawberry farmers will cause a mega-sinkhole that will engulf the entire state. (Oddly, the Burmese pythons will be welcomed, because they'll try to prevent the disaster by eating the strawberry farmers. Sadly, this will happen too late to matter.) The only areas that will survive are tacky places like the amusement park districts and I-drive, which are already entirely artificial.
Palmetto bugs will take over the state, and will elect one of their own as governor. He'll do a better job than Rick Scott, though not as well as Jeb Bush.
Wholly smokes, didn't realize we had those lizards here!
Yup, and they hang out in residential areas, so killing them is iffy.....maybe a BB gun/air rifle, but even that would probably get a visit from the cops.
GameboyRMH wrote:
I imagine it's some kind of underground bunker complex where the blueprints for all the favorite grassroots cars and extruders for cones and other track equipment are stored in case of some kind of doomsday event.
I was under the impression that that is the place where all the 10mm sockets go to .... at least when I made Power Dork, that was the info I received 
I've got the perfect GRM building 20 miles east of Atlanta. This is a empty building that my Company quit using. We made new offices in the Manufacturing Plant.
We have not used it for a couple of years (read empty, generating 0 return). Honestly, I will lease any! of it for cheap!
Empty Building East of Atlanta