I'm installing Winders 7. I've been using the Win7 beta on a really, really low powered laptop (500mhz celeron, 1 GB ram) and been pleasantly surprised.
I'm doing Win7 RC1 on the high powered laptop today. Should be fun...
Mac worshipers can start there own thread. 
I ran the beta...was OK...
Downloading the RC today.
Doing the same thing now. Will be writing back on the other side once my backup finishes.
I like this section of the download site:
Macro$oft said:
Watch the calendar. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start. To avoid interruption, you’ll need to install a non-expired version of Windows before March 1, 2010. You’ll also need to install the programs and data that you want to use. (Learn more about installing Windows.)
So...if I wanted to use the Windows 7, I'd have a year before I should probably pay for it?
Hmmm...I can't tell if its worth me doing all that work when my free XP has been chugging along fine for 6 years.
If you're not going to reinstall then don't bother. I usually go about 6 mo's between rebuilds so I figured why not?
Make sure you're hard drives are set correctly or you'll have to start over.
I r an idiot.
5/5/09 3:32 p.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
I like this section of the download site:
Macro$oft said:
Watch the calendar. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start. To avoid interruption, you’ll need to install a non-expired version of Windows before March 1, 2010. You’ll also need to install the programs and data that you want to use. (Learn more about installing Windows.)
That's an improvement over Vista, where the full version that you have to pay for shuts down every one hour.
Good lord, I'm still using a 6 year old OS on my mac, no problems and never needed an upgrade. Why do people still by PC's?
Must be something in the Kool-Aid??
DrBoost wrote:
Good lord, I'm still using a 6 year old OS on my mac, no problems and never needed an upgrade. Why do people still by PC's?
Must be something in the Kool-Aid??
Why do people buy BMW's? Some people just love stuff that breaks.
I am still on XpPro... they can have it when they pry it from my cold dead harddrive
Yippie skippie. It's still a computer (i.e. expensive plastic rectangle that doesn't leak or make a funny sound when it breaks like a car does, causing it's owner to become absolutely livid as it sits there like a vegetable trying to unfreeze itself).
Wonder if this one will cause everyone to go back to XP also.
it's funny how much people complain. I've been running Vista Home Premium for the last year + and it has never locked up on me or done anything different, from a reliability standpoint, than any other OS. Hell we've had more issues out of our Ubuntu system than the Vista systems. Of course the kids system is the one running Ubuntu and my wife and I run Vista Home on our laptops. I also have another desktop running XP (well technically 4, but only 1 is plugged in right now).
The issue is the crap software install and websites people go to. I see it over and over again. A little regular maintenance goes a long way (just like on a car)
Bobzilla wrote:
Why do people buy BMW's? Some people just love stuff that breaks.
I really hope you're being sarcastic.
Words can't explain the disgust I feel towards you now.
Bobzilla said:
Why do people buy BMW's? Some people just love stuff that breaks.
I recently picked up a new dell laptop that is running Vista Home Premium and while I like the GUI the actual performance sucks. Im not asking for much, just run firefox and maybe word/excel here and there. But it locks up programs and sits around for a few minutes just trying to do that. My years old XP desktop is still chugging along mighty fine and doesn't flip out and lock up a program when I try to change the font size of my text.
5/5/09 9:24 p.m.
i downloaded isso pack 4... makes xp look like vista, and adds a few gadgets.. i just wanted to try it out, but i like it so im keeping it, havent had any issues..
page is in spanish, http://isso-sys.blogspot.com/
i havent actually read it, but it installs in english..
Nitroracer wrote:
Im not asking for much, just run firefox and maybe word/excel here and there. But it locks up programs and sits around for a few minutes just trying to do that. My years old XP desktop is still chugging along mighty fine and doesn't flip out and lock up a program when I try to change the font size of my text.
That's one thing I noticed about the new 7 install on the high end laptop.
When I open a setup prog it will hang for awhile. It's as if windows security is trying to figure out what to do with it. Then poof, it comes back to life and asks me "Are you sure you want to run this?" or something to effect.
It's not a prod release so it's going to have some warts. So far I like it. Much better than Vista.
I was also impressed by it's low demand for hardware. I've run Windows 7 on a celeron laptop with a GB of RAM. Moves along fine and responds well.
5/6/09 8:45 a.m.
I am on Linux Kernel 2.6.6 (well at home I am, at work it is XP)
I patch as I need to, reboot rarely, do everythign everyone esle does, for free. And that is a huge savings over a Mac, where they take all the free stuff and then charge you an arm and a leg for it .........
I know I am in the minority.
Looking forward to 7, but I'm actually very pleased with Vista, so I'm in no rush to change; when I do my next build I'll go with 7. Glad to hear that most folks are digging it so far, though.
EricM wrote:
I am on Linux Kernel 2.6.6 (well at home I am, at work it is XP)
I patch as I need to, reboot rarely, do everythign everyone esle does, for free. And that is a huge savings over a Mac, where they take all the free stuff and then charge you an arm and a leg for it .........
I know I am in the minority.
If I knew more about computers or had more time I'd like to try to build a Linux or Ubantu (sp?) machine. I just don't have the time, I need something that works when I need it to. But I'm very curious....
5/6/09 9:59 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
EricM wrote:
I am on Linux Kernel 2.6.6 (well at home I am, at work it is XP)
I patch as I need to, reboot rarely, do everythign everyone esle does, for free. And that is a huge savings over a Mac, where they take all the free stuff and then charge you an arm and a leg for it .........
I know I am in the minority.
If I knew more about computers or had more time I'd like to try to build a Linux or Ubantu (sp?) machine. I just don't have the time, I need something that works when I need it to. But I'm very curious....
get the Ubunto Live CD. It makes no changes to your hard drive. It is kinda slow (running off the CD) but you will see you can do EVERYTHING you need to do, everytime, without a lot of configuration.
this misnomer is tha hardest thing for people to get over. Though I am A REdHat Cetified Engineer, you don't need to be to be able to use linux..........
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Words can't explain the disgust I feel towards you now.
Bobzilla said:
Why do people buy BMW's? Some people just love stuff that breaks.
My work here is complete!
New Reader
5/6/09 10:22 a.m.
Jay wrote:
That's an improvement over Vista, where the full version that you have to pay for shuts down every one hour.
Thats about how often my vista home premium shuts down on my POS gateway. I hate that piece of crap. And I've installed every service pack and all that crap, I've tried everything.
It will randomly shut off, when I turn it on, it gives you the option to check your drives or continue (not recommended). Well if I check my drives, it freezes checking my drives and I have to drop the battery to get it to reboot, and it tells me it encountered a serious error and I should back up all my data.
Its done this for 2 years now.