7/24/13 8:58 p.m.
This might not make sense to anyone else. But I am surrounded (literally) by my family. The result of this is that everyone keeps a VERY close eye on everyone else. Well I skipped a week mowing my lawn because well , berkeley the lawn, I didn't feel like it. My uncle brought over a pan of the worst, cheapest, skimpiest, suckiest tray of enchiladas.
It was topped with a get-well-soon card from the dollar store.
Inside the card it said:
"I just know you weren't being lazy and the reason your yard looks like a jungle is because you must be sick.
Get Well Soon"
Does anyone else's family do crap like this?
7/24/13 8:59 p.m.
I live far away from my family for a VERY good reason. You've just put that to print.
Passive-agressive...ism(?) or just a strong need to be up in your business?
7/24/13 9:27 p.m.
In reply to petegossett:
He's probably just mad that I drank all his beer last weekend. And clogged up his garage toilet.
If the only thing family can find to pick on you about is the grass being a bit long, you know you are doing it right. 
I told off my M.I.L. when she was being a drama queen and airing out the familys dirty laundry on Facebook 6 months ago.
She hasn't spoken to me since and it makes me feel all warm inside.
Get the hell away from your family, that passive-agressive stuff is a chickenE36 M3 move.
My immediate response would be to stop mowing my lawn altogether.
and/or chaining my lawnmower to a tree with a for sale sign on it
I'd tell him to go berkeley the horse he rode in on, but that's why I live at least an hour from relatives.
7/25/13 5:35 a.m.
I moved 900 miles away from fam - they are slowly but surely following me, though. Passive aggressive E36 M3 doesn't bother me, though, I just bring call them out directly and that usually stops that crap.
Sorry, man.
Did you thank him for his gas station Mexican food?
Well, that sure is a different take on a HOA....
Set boundries, and I don't mean building a fence.
Send the card back with a $10 bill as advance payment for cutting your grass for you.
My family, and my girl's family are all pretty cool. Nobody gets real bent out of shape about anything, and we're all "do what makes ya happy" types of folks.
See, if my dad did that... I'd chuckle, call him an ass, and have a beer with him. I dunno, seems funny to me.
Ojala wrote:
This might not make sense to anyone else. But I am surrounded (literally) by my family. The result of this is that everyone keeps a VERY close eye on everyone else. Well I skipped a week mowing my lawn because well , berkeley the lawn, I didn't feel like it. My uncle brought over a pan of the worst, cheapest, skimpiest, suckiest tray of enchiladas.
It was topped with a get-well-soon card from the dollar store.
Inside the card it said:
"I just know you weren't being lazy and the reason your yard looks like a jungle is because you must be sick.
Get Well Soon"
Does anyone else's family do crap like this?
Haha! That's awesome. Maybe you're a little peeved about it because you were in fact being lazy? If you can't laugh at yourself, you ain't doing it right.
You should mow the yard "Burt Munro" style. Take a can of gas, apply to yard, watch family reaction. 
Hell, my FIL asks me to leave the key for the riding mower, so he mow my lawn.
Its because of stuff like that, that I put up with his many annoying quirks.
7/25/13 7:51 a.m.
My sister and brother in law moved into my grandparents house after they died. One night, my grandmother's brother, who lived two doors away, called the cops on them for leaving the flag out without turning the flagpole light on.
7/25/13 8:04 a.m.
Ojala wrote:
And clogged up his garage toilet.
You can't do that at my house. A Folgers can is VERY hard to clog.
Mod Squad
7/25/13 8:05 a.m.
Ojala wrote:
Does anyone else's family do crap like this?
I live two blocks from my parents. A few years ago, I didn't decorate for christmas, and they were pestering me about it. I ignored them, and when I came home from work there was a wreath on my front door.
Yes, my house was the victim of a drive by wreathing 
No, I wasn't offended, we all had a good laugh about it.
7/25/13 8:08 a.m.
Ok, I just snuck in and jello-ed his toilet about an hour ago. I can't wait till he gets up and tries to go to the bathroom!
And the whole enchilada thing is not just him, it's one of several running jokes in my family.
Q. What's the difference between family and friends?
A. You can pick your friends.
Me, I'd have gone with a combination of 1) make the enchilada thing a joke 2) let the damn stuff grow another month as a silent warning not to mess with me. 
I think you're going about this all wrong.
Eat the E36 M3ty enchiladas--all of them--then go over to his garage and finish the job you started last week on his toilet. Bonus points if you can pace yourself well enough to destroy some of his house plumbing, too.