6/22/11 12:39 p.m.
1:00 yesterday our internet went down. That means no web, no e-mail, no phones, no TV. ARRGGHH! I'm trying to run a business here! Called Comcast, they try to reset, no. Schedule a service call for Noon today. Read a book last night, solitare on the "puter. Tech arrives on time, is here 5 minutes and calls me outside. Cable box has a hole burned in the cover, connection inside is fried. Lightning strike. Connection was well grounded, so between that and a big UPS on our systems, no damage inside. Two points- We rely on our Interwebz for too much. And never underestimate the power of lightning. We were home and didn't hear a hit. Oh yeah- make sure you have real lightning protection.
6/22/11 12:50 p.m.
Whoa. Glad that was the worst of it.
What happened to you is exactly why I do not bundle all services.
Same here. I'm in the sticks, and it's just not reliable enough.
cwh....are you aware that Florida is THE state that has the most lightening strikes every year?
I saw that on a PBS show, and now that I live in Jacksonville I REALLY try not to be outside during a thunderstorm...tho it's almost impossible, isn't it?
6/22/11 2:07 p.m.
I have lived in Florida for 30 years and have worked with security stuff the entire time. Hundreds of feet of wire, phone line connections, etc. I have seen lot's of lightning damage. A few years ago I was doing the final walk through on a major camera system at a Mercedes dealership in Clearwater. Almost done, ready to get the sign off, and the building took a huge hit. Took out all the computers, kitchen equipment, and of course, the 25,000.00 camera system. My problem, not the dealership. Mother Nature can be a Bitch. I use protection now.
triumph5 wrote:
What happened to you is exactly why I do not bundle all services.
One could make that point.
Or, it could have been like what happened to me- where a power line draped over the cable line, melting the line between the pole and my house- thankfully, the box was grounded (too), and saved everything.
But it very much took out the phone at the same time.
So even without bundled service, I lost everything. In my case, I had to wait for two separate services to come out and restore services.
(the interesting part was seeing the power pole in my back yard on fire
, good thing about cell phones)
6/22/11 2:43 p.m.
Lightning in Florida? Wife's nephew in Tampa has been hit three times. He's not quite right in the head.
cwh wrote:
Lightning in Florida? Wife's nephew in Tampa has been hit three times. He's not quite right in the head.
Does he play the Lottery?
shocking.. absolutely shocking