Very sorry to hear about your loss.
I know that I am going to have a very hard time whenever I lose my buddy Charcoal. Got him as a kitten and have had him for 15 years now.
It can be difficult for some people to understand, but they are a companion that is there with you through your good times and bad. Always there for you.
9/18/12 1:30 p.m.
I'm afraid my dog is getting to that point. We've had him since I was 8. He's going on 16 as a miniature poodle. He's become rather ornery in his old age, but spry as ever.
9/18/12 2:16 p.m.
Ever notice how it seems animals are more content to die alone than with a group?
We humans prefer to die surrounded by our loved ones, our pets, however, prefer to sneak up under the shed or in the basement.
When my first cat died, he was trying his best to get away from us. He had some sort of kidney or thyroid problem, and had stopped eating. I wouldn't let him out of the house because I wanted to monitor his status for a bit. It wasn't until I had him locked up in the bathroom that I realized he was having daily seizures. I should've taken him to the vet earlier, but I waited too long.
I vowed to never again let that happen to animal of mine. Better to put them down when they are happy than watch them slowly die.
My brother just had to put down his 16 year old cat, it sucks all the way around.
I am sorry for your loss man.
PHeller wrote:
Ever notice how it seems animals are more content to die alone than with a group?
Actually, both my parents waited until their kids were out of the room--in both cases, briefly--to pass away. The folks at Hospice said this is common, that parents often seem to prefer to slip away from their families quietly, or maybe they stay as long as they can when they're with them... in any case, it definitely sucks to lose a loved one, whether 2- or 4-legged. My condolences.
Sorry to hear of your loss, it is never easy to say goodbye to a friend.
Rascal is in my thoughts. 
Sorry to hear about your loss, we went through the same thing earlier this year when one of our cats didn't come back from an excursion outside. It sucks and I feel for you.
After about a month of sadness - even our other cat seemed to miss his brother - we got a new cat[1]. Helped us all to get over the loss.
[1] Of course this being GRM, we got a new secondhand cat
Old thread, best place to put it.
Rest in piece my friend. Charcoal 1997-2014. He was my support through so many things. Yesterday we took him to the vet for what we believed to be constipation, an x-ray revealed a large cancerous tumor. We released him today. I will miss him greatly.
Never easy to see a companion go.
That sucks. As much of a pain in the ass as they are, I'm gonna hate to see ours go, we have a 14 and a 12 year old cat right now, so they are probably not long for this world. But we have a 2 year old dog and 1 year old cat that will be with us for a while yet hopefully.
Godspeed Charcoal. Losing a companion is never easy. I know the day will come when I have to say goodbye to my best buddy ever, and that may be the hardest day of my life.

I cry more over animals than I do humans. I don't look forward to losing any of my babies, but life will go on. That is my belief.
Feel better, buddy.
In reply to Datsun1500:
Many moons ago, when I worked in a vet's office, we had a client with a cat named "Grandma". Owner rode a motorcycle everywhere, with the cat on his shoulders. He had her since she was a kitten, found her on the side of the road and adopted her. She lived to be 21.
5/1/14 10:31 p.m.
Second toughest thing that I've ever had to go through. It's been almost three years since we lost our pup...still miss her terribly.
5/1/14 10:39 p.m.
Hungary Bill wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
I cry more over animals than I do humans.
Feel better, buddy.
Another one here.
So sorry for your loss.
5/1/14 10:59 p.m.
In reply to Apexcarver:
My heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family. Ironically, I was having fond remembrances of Rascal just yesterday. We'll always have those good memories.
And, we know there are more opportunities out there to adopt and create those bonds that make all our furry friends special.
Condolences on your loss. Sounds like Charcoal had a good run with a great family! 17 years is lots of good times to trade for the sadness attached to the inevitable. Hopefully the family will be able to see it as an overall win and repeat after a suitable mourning period. As sad as it is to lose a buddy, they bring so much joy and love that we find it is difficult to be without for too long...
Every time I see one of these threads I go and give our two cats some extra love. I'm not looking forward to the inevitable
my condolences man.

I completely understand where you're coming from. Had to put my dog down last Thursday after almost 16 years. Poor thing could barely walk, took all her energy to go to the park that Wednesday. Wouldn't even eat her favorite food (White Castle). Back in the day, she'd probably be swimming in that creek trying to get those ducks.
I appriciate the condolences.
We do have another cat who is my fiance's. Its still just going to take a long time to get over how empty our apartment feels without Char.
I know I will get another cat. I just dont have the heart to approach it for awhile.
5/2/14 11:57 a.m.
In reply to Snowdoggie:
Dogs drool alright, but being claimed by a german shepherd that was a stray is something else. Loyal companion for the last 9 years and counting.
Oldsaw, sorry for the loss, it never gets easier.
Some humans are E36 M3ty. Animals are almost universally kind. Except when they've been around E36 M3ty humans for too long.
I don't know what I do when my little buddy dies. It'll crush me, for sure.