We lost our Pookie last night, a 3 legged 15 year old poodle mix. We had to put her down due to really bad health. It happened very quickly, she was fine on Sunday evening but seemed draggy yesterday morning. When I went home for lunch, she was laying on a cushion and didn't start barking her head off when I opened the front door as she usually does. I covered her with one of my old sweatshirts, she picked up a little bit. When my wife got home, she was still in the same spot, she took her to the vet who said she had a uterine infection which was so advanced that she would not survive surgery.
We adopted her from the local Pet Helpers about 2 1/2 years ago. It used to aggravate me that she would whine all night unless she was in the bed with us and when we relented and let her in she'd snuggle up next to me (big old fat guys have lots of body heat) and by morning I'd be on a 6" wide strip of the side of the bed. Man, I missed that this morning.
Sorry to about that. I know you will miss her.
I'm sorry to hear that you also lost a friend last night. My thoughts go out to you and your family.
Stuff like that shouldn't happen near a holiday.
Im sorry for your loss, and I think its awesome you adopted an older dog.
It gets easier, as times goes by.
You're a saint to take in an older dog like that. Most people just turn away. You made the last years of her life very comfortable..bed space not withstanding. 
11/25/08 5:01 p.m.
I'm sorry you lost your friend. :(
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, especially since I'm in the same boat.
My family is talking about putting my dog down this week as well... he's finding it harder to breathe these days (although the Prednisone helps a lot) and we found out yesterday that he's got colon cancer, so he's not going to last much longer as it is.
I've had him since I was in 2nd grade, and grew up with him, so it's a really hard call to make. :(
Thanks to all for the kind words. We really miss her a lot and the family consensus as of tonight is the best way to remember her is to adopt another dog. We have already contacted Pet Helpers and hope to hear something soon. PH has been good for us, that's where we got Binky the Wonder Cat too.
Speaking of Binky, he seems a little lost without Pookie to torment to the point where she would start barking and growling and chase him through the house at full throttle on three legs. That's a damn sight faster than he was counting on the first time it happened. Good memories.
Matt, sorry to hear about your dog. That is a really tough call.