Two summers ago I had a huge tree come down in the front yard. It shaded most of the yard most of the day. For two years I have been trying to get the lawn right again. All of the shade loving species of grass burned off within days. Trying to get a sun loving species to take hold has been a struggle. Battling weeds is the main issue. Predominant new species of grass is zoysia and eventually it will take hold and choke out any weeds like it does in the back yard. For now there is mostly another species that grows in clumps and then fills in around it. In between the clumps weeds take hold. This year I hit it twice with weed and feed. Can I hit it again with this stuff, or should I start a regiment of walking around and spraying just the weeds with Drive? Last year the drive seemed to stunt the grass growth more than kill the weeds, but it may have just been the fact that it got real hot in July and August. The predominant weeds are a clover looking thing that grows straight up and has a woody stalk, and a moss variant that sends up vertical shafts that look like skinny pine trees. Both are much lighter in color that the grass and really noticeable a couple of days after mowing. Neither the weed and feed nor the drive completely kill either of these, but they do stunt their growth substantially for a month or so. Both kill just about everything else, so no dandelions and very little crab grass.