My uncle is looking at a 1996 4runner with the 3.4. 190,000 miles. New tires, nicely maintained. 4k bucks. No rust. Prices are very high in northern Michigan. Disregarding price, what are the issues? He said it looks like it may need valve cover gaskets.
Saggy rear springs, front suspension needs mods to survive heavy offroading. The 3.4 is the V6 gas-guzzler.
Some years the v6 had head gasket issues, I can't remember if this is in that year range or not.
All I know about the 4runners is that the 4 cylinder models have a water pump gasket shaped like a dong.
4/2/13 9:41 p.m.
The years with the head gasket issues were the 3.0, 90-95 I think.
I had a '94 with a 3.0 five speed. I put 150,000 miles on it, sold it to my son for $1, he ran it two years and finally got rid of it when the rusty frame wouldn't pass NYS Inspection.
Never a head gasket issue for me. At ~130,000 I replaced the timing chain, belts, hoses, water pump and radiator.
$4k seem like a lot.
4/3/13 7:45 a.m.
I have '96 4runner. Not a perfect vehicle by any means(I bought it from a car dealer client for $600 with a "tick" in the motor) Drove it for a year and the motor grenaded itself at 65mph. Located a junkyard motor for $500 18 months ago and other than a trans leak, it runs perfectly. I get 18mpg driving to the junkyard for parts, taking the dog to the groomer and the trash to the dump. The clear was peeling on the hood and top so I sanded it down and shot it with flat black from a rattle can. Also a great vehicle for those rare snow days here in East Tenn but mainly takes pressure off our other vehicles when stuff needs to be done or hauled. I have been offered $4500 for it and turned it down because a replacement would cost me as much if not more. I wouldnt want to DD it but sometimes you just need a crappy vehicle.....