4/29/16 6:08 p.m.
4/30/16 9:55 a.m.
+1 for Paselas. I have them on several of my bikes; they do (or did, as of last year at least) make them in 26" and 27" sizes.
alfadriver wrote:
But. If two people are looking for just cruising bikes- think about what kind of bike you really want. And old school road bike can be great, but it may not be that casual cruising bike that a couple would both want. I know my wife would not want one, and I'm WAY faster when I have this bike than my old Mt bike- which was already faster than her.
It was not a struggle to hold back to the same pace as her, although it was not my preferred pace. I just wasn't particularly exerting myself to feel like I was getting exercise. I may keep this for my own desires and supplement with a mountain bike that will make me work harder. Two used bikes will still be much cheaper than one new one.
She also has her seat waaaay to low to really pedal effectively, and she puts the arch of her feet on the pedals. She doesn't particularly like taking advice or coaching from me.
How about a vintage tandem bike?
Dude, I totally second the GP4000s. I've tried all kinds of tires, but those are amazing. They roll like crazy, feel really smooth, and they're wearing like iron. I went from a 23mm tire up to a 25 AND lowered the pressure, and I picked up 2mph on the same steady state coasting downhill. I don't understand how they make the rolling resistance that much lower on a wider tire.
5/1/16 11:19 p.m.
Those Dura Ace downtube shifters are super sexy. The whole bike is super sexy.
I'm on GP4000sII's this season, and so far, so good. I have thousands of miles on Grand Prix 4 Seasons and they're stellar, too. I think I had one puncture in 5000 miles. None in 600 miles this year (knock on wood).
At the moment, I have a 25 up front and a 23 out back. My China carbon rear wheel is a midge out of round and I have an aero frame with very tight clearance, so the 25 is a bit too close for comfort. New rear wheel is likely in the future--old one will go on the cross bike.