dculberson MegaDork
7/12/24 12:22 p.m.

We're going camping tonight and my wife worked her tail off yesterday so I have everything laid out that I need to load. And I'm just not feeling it. I have several hours left but man I'd love to just lay on the couch. Maybe some more caffeine will help. 

The kids just seem to want to read books. I wish I could just join them. 

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
7/12/24 12:29 p.m.

In reply to dculberson :

I feel this in my bones. I feel bad about it, because every time the kids or my wife bring up wanting to go camping, all I can think about is how much work it's going to be for me just to miss a shower and sleep poorly. 

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
7/12/24 12:56 p.m.

In reply to all y'all :

For years, my parents dragged their 5th wheel camper to Myrtle Beach for vacation.  My mom's quote was always "camping is work."  She wasn't wrong.  Packing days before, cleaning, hauling a massive piece of metal 4 hours - that usally took 7 hours, setup, cleaning, panicinig over the awning during a storm, then to load it all back up again.  Finally my parents saw the light and sold the damn thing.  

Duke MegaDork
7/12/24 1:07 p.m.
budget_bandit said:

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :

my wife can't understand why i love camping by myself or with my guy friends and don't chomp at the bit to do it with her....it's because it's so much more work for an overall less pleasant experience lol

It's the same amount of work, so that speaks more to how you feel about spending time with your wife than it does about camping.


mtn MegaDork
7/12/24 1:41 p.m.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000, budget bandit, etc.:

I hate camping. I love everything about it until we get to the part that we have to sleep outside in the rain. In my opinion, it should be done only to get to better fishing spots or to save money on lodging. 

I have a similar opinion about going fishing if (person who sometimes comes fishing with us) is in the boat. Suddenly some bologna sandwiches, a canteen of water, and a six pack of pop or beer that I threw together in 3 minutes isn't sufficient. And suddenly 3 hours is too much time in the boat. And holy cow does (person) ever shut up? It always ends up in a later start, more frustration at the launch, more frustration if the fish aren't biting, and an overall less enjoyable experience.

Luckily my wife is a happy camper with how I like to do it - though she may insist on a PBJ or turkey instead of balogna. She doesn't even need access to a toilet. 

NickD MegaDork
7/12/24 1:53 p.m.

Every wheel cleaner: "No need to scrub. Just spray on, wait several minutes, rinse off, guaranteed to remove even the toughest brake dust." 

And yet none of them seem to actually berkeleying work.

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
7/12/24 1:53 p.m.

My ideal camping is 1-2 nights, cold food, no fees, and no tent. I'll gladly hike in a couple miles, sling a hammock, and just get away. 

It is not family camping. Family camping is an event. It includes tents, toilets, and dessert. The toilet and trash requirements mean I have to drive to the spot, pay for it, and listen to whatever the folks at the next spot over are doing all night.

gixxeropa HalfDork
7/12/24 2:51 p.m.

just paid for a gym membership near my new house, including a nearly $100 activation fee. 3 days later my job announced that they're providing everyone a membership to the same gym chain

Duke MegaDork
7/12/24 3:02 p.m.

I should learn to just go take a leak from the very first moment I think I might have to.

Because every berking time that I'm just about to finish a task and hit the head, somebody dives in and ties it up for 20 minutes.


Peabody MegaDork
7/12/24 4:46 p.m.

In reply to Duke :

You're a guy, you can hold it for four hours...

I think the only times I ever really have to poop is just as I get in the (home) shop and start doing something, or at the club track when I'm 30 minutes out in the bush doing tractor work. I think I might start carrying so TP on the tractor.

Scotty Con Queso said:

In reply to all y'all :

For years, my parents dragged their 5th wheel camper to Myrtle Beach for vacation.  My mom's quote was always "camping is work."  She wasn't wrong.  Packing days before, cleaning, hauling a massive piece of metal 4 hours - that usally took 7 hours, setup, cleaning, panicinig over the awning during a storm, then to load it all back up again.  Finally my parents saw the light and sold the damn thing.  

Oh man does this hit home. My parents have a 35' fifth wheel. They would go camping every summer for 2-4 weeks. It was like 4 days to prep, clean, pack and then an all day drive to get to the campground. And then 3-4 hours to get everything unpacked and set up. Both of them were exhausted the first night.

But they haven't gone the past 3 years since my dad had surgery to remove a cancerous mass in his lung. He's been on oxygen and cannot do anything remotely physical because his O2 level drops to dangerous levels. I've been after both of them to sell the fifth wheel since it's been sitting but they haven't done it yet. It's too much for them at this stage in life. I doubt it will ever get used again under their ownership. 

Datsun240ZGuy MegaDork
7/12/24 5:00 p.m.
Duke said:

I should learn to just go take a leak from the very first moment I think I might have to.

I travel for sales - you learn to never pass a bathroom and go even if you think you don't need to.

Mr_Asa MegaDork
7/12/24 5:27 p.m.
NickD said:

Every wheel cleaner: "No need to scrub. Just spray on, wait several minutes, rinse off, guaranteed to remove even the toughest brake dust." 

And yet none of them seem to actually berkeleying work.

Turtlewax has the best one I've used.  Not so much scrubbing as brushing.

gixxeropa HalfDork
7/12/24 5:38 p.m.

30 minute drive home from work today took 2 hours. There was a crash on the main road and the detour route had construction. 

Toyman! MegaDork
7/13/24 8:26 a.m.
stanger_mussle (Supported by GRM undergarments) said:
Scotty Con Queso said:

In reply to all y'all :

For years, my parents dragged their 5th wheel camper to Myrtle Beach for vacation.  My mom's quote was always "camping is work."  She wasn't wrong.  Packing days before, cleaning, hauling a massive piece of metal 4 hours - that usally took 7 hours, setup, cleaning, panicinig over the awning during a storm, then to load it all back up again.  Finally my parents saw the light and sold the damn thing.  

Oh man does this hit home. My parents have a 35' fifth wheel. They would go camping every summer for 2-4 weeks. It was like 4 days to prep, clean, pack and then an all day drive to get to the campground. And then 3-4 hours to get everything unpacked and set up. Both of them were exhausted the first night.

But they haven't gone the past 3 years since my dad had surgery to remove a cancerous mass in his lung. He's been on oxygen and cannot do anything remotely physical because his O2 level drops to dangerous levels. I've been after both of them to sell the fifth wheel since it's been sitting but they haven't done it yet. It's too much for them at this stage in life. I doubt it will ever get used again under their ownership. 

My parents put well over 100k miles on a 35' 5th wheel much like that one. They would load up and be gone for months at a time. At 85, they are just slowing down enough to think about selling it. 

Having borrowed their 5th wheel several times, I went with a 40' DP motorhome. Getting ready is a case of buying groceries and packing clothes. Once on-site, set up time is about 10 minutes and I can tow a vehicle so I'm not stuck driving a massive truck everywhere. 

Currently set up on a farm in the northwest corner of North Carolina. It's 67 degrees this morning instead of the 80+ it is at home. We've been out for almost 2 weeks now and I really don't want to go home.  



Peabody MegaDork
7/13/24 8:36 a.m.

We had a tent trailer since almost the beginning of our relationship, but eventually got tired of the setup and tear down, and started tent camping. I enjoy it much more, but as we age PW is enjoying it much less, and asking for a travel trailer. I'm not going to put that kind of money into a trailer and tow vehicle so we can camp a few weeks to a month a year in more comfort than I need. So she complains... and we camp less. Then she asks, why we don't go camping any more.

P3PPY SuperDork
7/13/24 9:34 a.m.

We are currently "camping" on a campground but in a freshly remodeled small building with AC, electricity, windows, and blinds.

As we were prepping to go (Mrs P3PPY is a reverse tornado -- moves fast and furious but leaves everything awesomely done in her wake) I sort of internally mocked the amount of stuff we're taking, but my brain kicked in and we will be here 9 days with three children, including a 3 y/o, so yes, I really will appreciate every single amenity we have here! Including the rug, including even the three potted plants for decor. 
Tent camping this is not. 

sometimes we have a discussion about camping cabins versus hotel rooms. Hotel rooms usually give you a pool and breakfast, but one thing I've noticed about getting a camping cabin is that whereas with a hotel room, the only real space that is "yours" is the four walls of your room. However, if you go to a campground, you feel kind of at home on the whole open grounds. The kids can ride their bikes, you can just go for little walks, all the things. Besides, there is invariably more green, open area at all the camping places we've been to.

P3PPY SuperDork
7/13/24 9:37 a.m.

Oh yeah, the minor rant of the day: we want to release our books in hard cover, too, but KDP Amazon has a minimum of 75 pages for that. Our closest one is 68. And instead of 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 I need to make it 8 1/2 x 11. And that's gonna take like 20 minutes per page I need to modify.

Shoot :/

Mndsm MegaDork
7/13/24 9:52 a.m.

I can't decide who to be more mad at, myself or my ex. 


We parted on less than excellent terms. And in the ensuing 10 years apart she keeps finding new and creative ways to keep berkeleying me, even though we're 1600 miles apart. 


Last night I get a text. (my kid) has grown out of his shoes. The shoes I just bought him. The shoes she texted me like 6 weeks ago and said he needed . The shoes she ASSURED me would be the correct size despite being the same size as the last pair he'd worn.


Now, I could blame her for being an idiot, but I should know better. This is the same woman that tried to tell me he wore a women's size 9 when he was like 9 years old, and then sent me a picture of his foot pressed against hers as reference. "see, they're the same" no they're berkeleying not. Go to a shoe store, and try on some goddamn shoes. Oh wait you can't because your "friend" has your car. 


Then she says "Well maybe I can sell these and get him a new pair once they sell". That's....entirely possible. I got that pair stupid cheap, and I mean STUPID cheap. One benefit of living in tourist hell is there's a plethora of wallet milking devices and one of those is outlet shopping. Nike is very popular. We use that to our advantage. The pair I got him I think I paid like $30 for and even now Nike wants like $110. There's no box, but they've literally never been worn, so that's...have I mentioned my ex-wife and I don't get along? 


Then she lays it on thick "I asked him if he wants sandals or anything else and all he wants is tennis shoes" Well berkeley me sideways. Ok "I could buy him some now but that would cut into groceries and those are really expensive" No E36 M3. I like to eat food too. I had some earlier. Fine. Let me figure this out. I grew up broke and there's one thing I cherish above all others and that is a good pair of shoes. If your feet don't work you are proper hosed from the ground up. FORTUNATELY for me, I had some sort of discount code or something on clearance E36 M3 at Nike's online store and there was a pair that would work out perfect with his small motor restrictions (that we're not gonna discuss here. Boy can't tie his shoes but is an expert gamer? Nah.)  and they were $50 landed. 


At least I don't have to go to the berkeleyin' outlets today and punch a guy if he asks me if I need Disney tickets. 

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
7/13/24 10:03 a.m.

In reply to P3PPY :

My parents had started getting cabins every summer at a Jellystone park with the grandkids, and your right it's a much nicer experience than a hotel.  There are days they never leave the grounds. 

Duke MegaDork
7/13/24 10:11 a.m.

Cross posting from the meme thread. EVERY BERKING ROAD in my county is under construction.

Appleseed MegaDork
7/13/24 1:20 p.m.

I get to deal with two crabby ass children today.

But you just live with your wife and kid.



Toyman! MegaDork
7/13/24 9:36 p.m.

Tomorrow is my last full day here. A week and a half of no neighbors, no rush hour, no kids, and no employees was bliss. 60s in the mornings, mid to high 70s during the day. I'm pretty sad that it's almost over. 


I sunburned my scalp mowing the lawn today. I didn't notice until my GF said "The back of your head and neck are bright red. Did you put sunscreen on?".

It's been 20 years since I last sunburned my noggin. Hopefully it will be another 20 years before I sunburn it again. Ouchie.

wae UltimaDork
7/14/24 10:46 a.m.

I'm shopping used RVs pretty hard and, people, you've got to stop trying to "remodel" RVs.  Your E36 M3ty Ikea couch doesn't have seatbelts, isn't really the right size, and is going to go flying if there's ever a wreck.  Cabinets are supposed to be stained wood.  Not painted with some crappy, chalky, tempra paint that you got on clearance at Michael's.   If you want to re-do the flooring, you're going to need to make sure that you can replace ALL the flooring, not just some places that aren't partially covered by something else.  And trying to nail some 2x4s together in what used to be the rear bedroom does not mean you now have a "bunkhouse".  It means you've ruined a perfectly good motorhome.  The number one thing that you can write in your ad that will make me close that tab and move on is any variation on the word "remodeled".


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