eastsidemav SuperDork
8/23/16 2:14 p.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

Sorry to hear about your losses

It was always cool when Kage would hang out with us when I visited back when you lived over at your old place. He was a great cat.

Rusted_Busted_Spit UberDork
8/23/16 2:57 p.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

Sorry man. I lost both of my Grandmothers while I was away in the Army so I had not been able to see them for awhile, it sucks.

EvanR SuperDork
8/23/16 9:29 p.m.

This is minor rants, right?

I went to the Lane Museum today in Nashville. It's actually pretty cool nd well-curated. You should go.

My minor rant is they didn't have an Eshelman.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/23/16 10:02 p.m.

I have not done a lot of driving in upstate NY.. 99% of my time was in the metro area.. but down here at the southern End of NJ, if you are stuck behind a slow car that us under the limit, damn near stopping to make even the slightest of curves, and making a U-turn without signaling.. it is from NY. I can only imagine these are not the same people I used to play bumpercars with while driving big commercial trucks in Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx..

SnowMongoose SuperDork
8/23/16 10:40 p.m.

My roommate has music on in his room.
It's almost loud enough to conceal auditory evidence that he has a lady in there with him.

gearheadE30 HalfDork
8/24/16 7:19 a.m.

I have an irresistable desire to own an E38 740i M Sport. I do not need a third car, and I really have no specific use for it, but I still spend at least a little time every day looking for one. I'm afraid that if I find the perfect one (dark metallic blue or dark grey metallic, 2000 or 2001, heated seats, no nav, black or grey interior) it will be impossible for me to say no. And it's not like this is a harmlessly cheap to maintain car, either.

Spoolpigeon PowerDork
8/24/16 7:52 a.m.

Allen head bolts, oh how I hate thee. Let me count the ways.

Only 2 of the 6 driveshaft bolts backed out of my s2000. Even with liberal amounts of PB blaster, tightly fitted tool, and vice grips all I got was was rounded bolt heads and a lot of frustration. Picking up some cutting wheels on the way home from work to cut them out so I can get started on the rest of the clutch job.

Ashyukun SuperDork
8/24/16 8:56 a.m.

Thanks for the condolences everyone. There's still things to be dealt with- the Pet Memorial place should call sometime today letting me know I can go pick up the ashes, and I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do with them- but life has to go on. We're making an extra effort to spend more time with our remaining cat, Kuro- she and Kage have been together pretty much constantly for the last 12 years. As much as it would be nice to try and find another companion for her, we decided that we are going to hold off on that for a while.

Since the cats (who were mine) had not had any experience with dogs for nearly a decade, it was difficult when SWMBO and I moved in together before getting married since she brought a rather large and energetic dog with her (who had himself been raised with a cat, and expected other cats to be happy to play with him and not scared to death of him) and we've had to keep a separate space in the house for the cats where the dog can't go- but it has also meant that I couldn't spend nearly as much time with them, and they couldn't do things like sleep on the bed with me like they did for so long. So we decided that we would wait to get another cat until we could get one(s) that would get along with the dog or (depending on timing) adopt a new cat (or cats) along with a new dog (THAT is not a day I look forward to... SWMBO has as broken up about losing Kage as I have been, but it will be NOTHING compared to how devastated she'll be when we eventually lose our dog...).

On to more minor rants.... I finally broke down this weekend and ordered a pair of armor motorcycle pants to go along with my jacket. Read all the reviews and looked at the sizing chart, found what I thought would work, and ordered it. They got here- and when I'm sitting on the scooter they ride up several inches above the tops of the boots I wear (not really high boots, but about as high as high-top sneakers) and they're WAY too tight to be able to wear over my work pants, which was what I wanted to be able to use them for. So, back to Amazon they go and I'll have to wait a few days for the larger size pants to arrive.

Appleseed MegaDork
8/24/16 11:02 a.m.

It never fails to amaze. There are several signs, big signs, that say" ROAD CLOSED." People still creep up to the construction area like somehow it's a ruse, that it's not reeeeeaaaally closed. We just put up the signs to berkeley with you.

What I want to see is some self important asshat come bombing through and have the side of his car caved in by heavy equipment. Or better yet, have him go full Thelma & Louise and go sailing off into the pit.

AWSX1686 Reader
8/24/16 11:57 a.m.

In reply to Ashyukun:

I'm curious what armored pants you are looking at. Riding pants are the only big piece of gear that I am missing.

wearymicrobe UltraDork
8/24/16 12:08 p.m.

Screw you eBay and your bid retraction process and your vapid ability for people bidding to see how qualified the other bidders are. Suck a giant rotten egg. I dislike BAT but at least their auction format makes since for cars.

RevRico Dork
8/24/16 12:28 p.m.

In reply to wearymicrobe:

I'm surprised to hear that. I know they prefer to screw the sellers 6 ways from Sunday, but I didn't know they were jumping on the "screw the buyer" bandwagon as well. You'd think with all the alternatives emerging they'd be trying to maintain market position instead of lose it.

Ashyukun SuperDork
8/24/16 12:32 p.m.
AWSX1686 wrote: In reply to Ashyukun: I'm curious what armored pants you are looking at. Riding pants are the only big piece of gear that I am missing.

The ones I got and am returning for the larger size are these (the large in this link is what I'm getting): Pilot Men's Omni Air Mesh Motorcyle Over Pants

They have adjustable-height knee armor pads and hip padding (that padding in the hips isn't considered armor, but will obviously help if you go down- you can get armor that fits in there separately). The pants have a lot of mesh in non-critical areas so the aren't quite as hot, but honestly there's no real way for them to not cover a lot of your lower body and still be effective. The Medium was what I picked up initially after reading some of the reviews, and for me at about 6' with a 32" inseam found that they make me look like Steve Urkel when sitting down. I also didn't like that they didn't come up very high waist-wise so in the rain there would likely be a gap between the pants & my jacket and I'm hoping the larger ones are better. They DO have a zippered panel in the back that I assume is made to zip to their riding jacket to keep them together- unfortunately I don't have a Pilot jacket (I have a Joe Rocket jacket) but may be able to make it work.

They have a zip-out waterproof liner similar to what my jacket uses which is nice- it both makes it work through rain but will also make the pants more windproof and warmer when the weather turns colder.

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
8/24/16 2:42 p.m.

How legal is it to wire a big capacitor into my brake circuit so they stay on for like half a second after letting off the pedal? Because this is the second time in my 7ish years of driving a stick that some dumbass hit me who doesn't seem to comprehended that my brake lights going out does not indicate I will immediately begin to move. This time it caved the corner of my bumper cover in, at least it didn't seem to tweak the body any.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/24/16 3:28 p.m.

In reply to BrokenYugo:

Wire the brake light switch to the throttle. We tested this on a number of buses for a while to try and get people to stop running into them.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
8/24/16 3:31 p.m.

I find it hard to imagine any lights that would really improve the odds of an idiot not driving into a large stationary object.

Unless you've been improving that invisibility tech.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/24/16 3:36 p.m.

I have been there. Had a guy run into me once at a red light because I took my foot off of the brake. Good thing I was driving my old Volvo at the time.

wae Dork
8/24/16 3:50 p.m.

Bill's Pro-Tip of the week:

If you drop your soldering iron. Don't try to catch it. Just make like Elsa and let it go. Let. It. Go.

The Hoff
The Hoff UltraDork
8/24/16 3:59 p.m.

Was going through all my channels on Pandora and deleted unused ones. Accidentally deleted my main channel "A little bit of everything" that I've edited and modified for the last 4 years! Grrrr. Now I have to do a lot of thumbs up and thumbs down to get it remotely close to the mix I like

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
8/24/16 4:56 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote: I find it hard to imagine any lights that would really improve the odds of an idiot not driving into a large stationary object. Unless you've been improving that invisibility tech.

It's my working theory that when they have like 3 neurons dedicated to driving the car and the rest concentrated on berkeleying with a smartphone, they just kinda go when they see the red lights go out. As you said they don't see the large stationery object, they just see the lights which they interpret to mean "I'm not going" go out.

I do suppose a kinda scruffy black Chevy Prizm is pretty close to invisible though.

NickD Dork
8/24/16 5:28 p.m.

Wish I could unload these Sprint-Hart CP-F wheels that have been sitting in my basement for 2 years. Tried the interweb and Craigslist sporadically over the past two years and never had success. Pity too, because they are super-rare and really light and very cool, and I see sets going for $2k, so my $700 isn't out of line at all.

Spoolpigeon PowerDork
8/24/16 6:38 p.m.

berkeley the top starter bolt on my s2000. berkeley it right in the shiny happy person.

Toyman01 MegaDork
8/24/16 7:24 p.m.

Dear huge black drop down "Features" tab, hiding at the top of the page, ready to strike at a moments notice.

You are a sly, underhanded, devious monster.

You camouflage yourself amongst the innocent in that banner, waiting to jump down and cover my entire screen with your filth.

You force yourself on me like a flasher on the side of the road.

Many times a day you violate me.

I have seen your questionable features.

You are not a Feature.

You are the devil incarnate.

I hate you.

Someone please get rid of that thing!

For the love of all that is awesome on GRM, think of the children!!

That is all.

Knurled MegaDork
8/24/16 7:47 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

I have fights with it. I scroll down from it, and I think it rolls back up, but I scroll back up too fast and it turns out it still had screenspace dominance and comes back up again. We'll play tag like this for three or four times before I give up and count to three before scrolling up.

fasted58 UltimaDork
8/24/16 7:55 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

Don't have any prollem w/ it, it goes right back in it's hidey-hole after you cross it.

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