Interesting thread. I love music, but I'm very particular about what I want to listen to, and sometimes I'd rather just listen to nothing. I don't like when it's used as filler or background noise. Generally I don't like vocal pop, ballads, country, most buttrock, or so-called "roots music", aka Gravelly-Voiced Dudes Strummin' a Gee-tar. It's not that I don't respect the musicians or recognize their talent, it's just that I listen for different elements in my tunes than others seem to and the styles that I like are what fits that best.
The thing is, it's so personal. You'll never convince anyone else to like something with some kind of reasoned argument so I don't get why people constantly try. Being a long-term electronic guy (especially techno, trance, electro, ambient, breaks, etc.), I'm constantly told by numpties that I will "mature" out of it and start listening to whatever it is they like. Occasionally they mean classical but 90% of the time they're referring to Gravelly-Voiced Dudes Strummin' a Gee-tar. This irritates me to no end and has made me really self conscious. I almost never play my own stuff or my favourite tracks for others unless I'm 100% sure they're on the same page.
I've been into electronic music all my life and been composing it myself (or at least trying to, heh) since I was single-digit age. I used to make tunes for Adlib and the C64 SID in BASIC back in the day. Part of what's kept me interested is that I never tried to make any kind of career out of it, it's always been strictly for fun for me. When I get uninspired or unmotivated, I just shut off the synths and concentrate on something else for a while. I do that regularly, although the 10 year hiatus between 2001 and 2011 was too long. 
Even just listening, I often find I'll overplay a great set and burn out on songs in general for a few days (like I've just done with some wicked demo tracks I downloaded last weekend), then I don't listen to anything for a while. Then I'll switch gears slightly on the playlist and come back to it totally refreshed and it's awesome.
Back to my own stuff, well, I do it for fun and am not really bothered whether my tracks are 'popular' or not. I really have no desire to play live or do gigs. My dream musical career would have been to be the in-house musician (with a lot of creative control naturally!) for a sci-fi TV series or video game studio. (Being Chris Tyng would be awesome!) But I never had the classical training you need on paper to do something like that, and I steered my career choices elsewhere for a variety of reasons and don't regret it one bit. (I probably could have done the video games, although I was born about 5 years too late and the market was well sewn up around 1999~2001 when I really started getting good.)
If anyone's curious: 2001 // 2012 (you might need XMplay to listen to those, but Winamp should work as well.) I still think "Sail the Universe" (2001) has some of the best musical ideas I've ever put in a sequencer but my production values these days are vastly improved.
This post ended up being a lot longer than I'd intended. I guess the point is, we all like different types of music, and that's awesome. Don't give people a hard time because they don't like "your" kind of music. There's no argument to "win" so just chill and realize that people get different things out of it, just like everything else in life.