Forgive the shameless self promotion. This week, we finally announced name/identity for the new brewing company:

The focus of the brand is about exploration and drawing inspiration from the world travels of our team. To be different, I'm also focusing on crafting beers that pack maximum flavor in moderate alcohol. Although a craft brewery has to have an IPA or two, we're not IPA-centric. We're trying to be genuinely different. Our flagship beer is a lager that we'll be releasing at the grand opening.
Our official grand opening party is September 23rd.
We're having a block party on the 30th.
Would love to see folks out for those.
I would be happy to serve as an unbiased taste tester and reviewer. I will charge no fees for this service.
Simply deliver one 1/6bbl per week to my garage, errrr, Test Facility and I will test and review for you! 
Cheers and best of luck to you! 
Congratulations! And thank you for not being another IPA House. I'm going to take a road trip down there someday.
AngryCorvair said:
Congratulations! And thank you for not being another IPA House. I'm going to take a road trip down there someday.
Agreed on the IPA's.... 90% of them suck.
Congrats and best wishes for a successful Endeavor (pun intended)!
You misspelled Endeavour.
Woo congratulations.
Lager is a good choice for a flagship beer. I never understood the craft brewers fixation on IPA's.
Wish I could attend the block party.
and good call on steering away from a mostly IPA lineup. IPAs are getting old.
9/16/17 6:59 p.m.
Congrats! Will have to steer myself your way next time I am in C-bus!
The0retical said:
Lager is a good choice for a flagship beer. I never understood the craft brewers fixation on IPA's.
We're excited about it. I think we've got something special that manages to be both understated and genuinely unique. Neither over-the-top, weird, or strait-forward traditional.
I think the IPA fixation is: originally the pendulum swinging the complete opposite from macro lagers, then because IPA is really easy to brew and hides a lot of flaws, and has become a self-fulfilling prophecy that it is the most popular style so that is the majority of what brewers do so it is the most popular style.
Thing that drives me nuts with IPA's is that there *are* good examples out there that I know I would enjoy, but there are so many crap examples that it's not worth sifting through 4 meh-to-crap examples to find one good one.
Sweet I will try to make it!!
Congratulations. Mmmmm, beer.
9/17/17 9:16 a.m.
Horses for courses is what I say...
Don't dis the IPA just because it has become fashionable to do so. Yeah, it is overdone, but only because it was a vacuum in the market and like all vacuums, it got oversold and diluted in principle and then distorted in order to prevail a bit longer. Here in Ontario with our strict driving laws IPAs with a restaurant meal are great cause who wants a third IPA? While the first beer is always the commercial for the second one, my taste buds are done after a second IPA.
What I feel is missing from the draft-craft beer market is a proper pilsner. They are hard to make because they are all about subtleties and as with all things done in small batches hard to control the exact results.
Good luck with the business and keep posting because I get to live vicariously.
Again on the anti- IPA front. Everyone does it because it's easy, and they still suck. It's a race to be the bitterest, like that is a flavor to strive for. I love a good lager/pilsner in the summer, and a bock when it's cold.
Our IPA is a different beast than standard. The bitterness level is low. Like on par with Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, or a good Pilsner. But we've thrown as much dry hops into it as you would get in any other IPA in town. So the beer has more tropical fruity flavor and aroma than most of the competition, but much less bitterness.
Lots of "not-an-IPA-person" folks rather like it. Seems like most people who like IPA's do too, just not the person who sees drinking the highest IBU beer he can find as a source of pride.
Congrats ! Thank you for not putting those other 'vegetables' into the vat. Oh and fruit slice ????? it's called barley pop for a reason.
9/17/17 7:36 p.m.
I am really enjoying a 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die IPA as I read this. Does that make me a bad person? Or a beer infidel? Nope .. this is a really good beer to my tastes. As are a number of other IPA's, such as our local (Cincinnati) Mad Tree Psycopathy and Rhinegeist Truth, or further North Great Lakes' (Cleveland) Commodore Perry. And I also like many other styles. Come to think of it, I just really like the taste of beer, but I digress. Point is, the IPA style is now - thankfully! - a new standard. Which is WAY better than where we were pre-Anchor Steam days
In reply to einy :
I think the problem is that too many breweries focus primarily or near-exclusively on IPA. That's not variety. A landscape that consists exclusively of IPA is as bad as a landscape existing exclusively of Adjunct Lager.
IPA is the style for some people, but not the beer style for everyone. Arguably not even the style for *most* people. If craft breweries focus on IPA to the point of ignoring other styles, that leaves a lot of people ignored by the craft brewing industry who deserve to enjoy good beer.
9/17/17 8:37 p.m.
Congratulations and Good Luck with the new brewery!
I like that ethos. I've settled in to enjoying mostly mild beers for daily drinking like Pilsners, wheat beers, etc. I love sours and especially big stouts, but not every day. I also like being able to drink something flavorful that's not 11% ABV so I'm still a functional human after.
Great. I will try to swing by o the 23rd.
If you could skip the seasonal spring piss water (shandy) and fall pumpkin craze and just put out a decent pils for summer and a nice marzen for about now... that would be swell.