Normally when we open the garage door we just walk over to it, throw the latch and shove up on the door. Tonight when I did that a fat, pissed off black snake FELL OUT OF THE SKY right NEXT to me. Apparently I didn't get the memo that this was his new afternoon hang out spot and I disrupted his nap. Before I can yell all of the four letter words I know this guy is boogie-ing into some crevice in the wall (old house) and poof, now we have real time mouse patrol living in the wall. SWEET.
Except for the falling out of the sky part I don't mind snakes a bit, I actually used to have a couple ball pythons. But now I can't imagine opening the garage door without looking up ever again. 
6/25/11 8:18 p.m.
Well, I'd say this beats the E36 M3 out of the bikini thread.
6/25/11 8:27 p.m.
We could combine the threads

So girls like fat snakes, huh? 
I like fat snakes and I cannot lie
I found a snake IN my toolbox about 3 weeks about. I was not a happy camper.
It was the first thing that came to mind
LOL, there I go again.
I had a small garden snake in my shoe when I woke up the one time I was camping. Good thing I checked before I put the shoe on.
I don't really have a problem with snakes, though. Or spiders. Or rats. Guess I'm weird.
6/26/11 7:37 a.m.
I was at an MSCC autocross a few years ago when a coral snake decided to slither through the picnic area where we were lined up for registration. I had to catch the little guy and move him away from the area to prevent him from getting squashed.
I had the same thing happen to me once with a snake about the size of a worm, like this one (hotlinked, not my hand):

6/26/11 9:10 a.m.
That's a copper-belly. Such tiny, elegant little things.
I thought I'd grow up to be one of those folks you see in National Geo, picking through chimpanzee turds with tweezers. Had terarriums full of newts, aquariums with frogs in various morphing stages from tadpole on up , old bathtubs full of turtle hatchlings and dozens of notebooks filled with notations on all the critters I'd seen in the back 40 behind the house. Yeah, I was a weird kid.
6/26/11 10:04 a.m.
ok whenever i find a snake its a cotton mouth and ill admit to screaming and running.
6/26/11 10:04 a.m.
wait occasionall i do find a rattler also.
Not snake phobic but when I encounter one in the wild it's best to assume the thing is poisonous. So I stay away from the sharp end.
When I was a kid, I was helping my dad take down an old grape trellis and while yanking on it a green garden snake came zipping out and wound itself around my right arm. The snake and I both stopped dead and stared at each other for a few seconds, then it let go and fell off. Hard to say who was the more scared! 
Lesley, have you seen 'The Gods Must Be Crazy?' There's a scene where the scientist is telling the teacher what he does out in the bush and he says 'I collect elephant dung'. 
6/26/11 11:13 a.m.
JoeyM wrote:
...when a coral snake decided to slither through the picnic area where we were lined up for registration.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Not snake phobic but when I encounter one in the wild it's best to assume the thing is poisonous. So I stay away from the sharp end.
I usually give poisonous herps a wide berth, but coral snakes are an exception. their fangs are tiny, and at the back of the mouth. The critters are timid and want to be left alone. I don't make a practice of handling them, but I'll do so if I need to.
6/26/11 5:28 p.m.
Yeah, that's a great movie! 
6/26/11 5:41 p.m.
I don't hate snakes, but put me in the scream like a sissy crowd when they surprise me. If I have the chance we can do the wide berth deal. But in my garage? No way, I call Dale Dribble at that point.
6/26/11 5:52 p.m.
Was woken up around 2 a.m. by my batE36 M3 crazy siamese playing with something on the bed. Turned out to be a live mouse. 
Lesley wrote:
Was woken up around 2 a.m. by my batE36 M3 crazy siamese playing with something on the bed. Turned out to be a live mouse.
Try growing up in a house that bred a couple different varieties if Siamese cats... With several of them patrolling the neighborhood, and dragging various critters back into the house, we were always happy if it was just a mouse.

6/26/11 6:39 p.m.
I've always had siamese, from the time I was about seven years old... the worst they've ever brought home was bats and mice, fortunately.
Gods Must Be Crazy - Land Rover scenes
'The rings, they are very tight. She's gonna be a bastard to start. Sorry, Reverend.'