Philadelphia has passed a law where texting while walking will get you a $125 ticket. Good, bad? Discuss.
I think good. A bit stiff, but, good.
Now, who's going to put out the first voice recognition app for texting, which is kinda like making a phone call. I know, there are times when a simple text will do just fine, and a phone call can be inconvenient for the recipient.
Good. I think it has to be stiff or they won't take it seriously. Remember, these are people who text while walking. They probably shouldn't be attempting to multi-task. 
4cylndrfury wrote:
So you've never had to dodge a texter whilst walking down the sidewalk? I've seen them walk into trash cans and kids.
triumph5 wrote:
Now, who's going to put out the first voice recognition app for texting, which is kinda like making a phone call. I know, there are times when a simple text will do just fine, and a phone call can be inconvenient for the recipient.
No need if you have an Android phone.
Google voice already does voice-to-text.
Good! I was rear-ended by a text-walker at the mall. I spilled my Starbucks latte! I could have been scalded to death! Hopefully, other states will follow this example. 
I personally have no problem with laws against stupidity. 
I think it would be much better to require all phones be hard-wired so people don;t go trying to drag them everywhere they go.
Is that law a response to the woman who tripped into a Mall fish pool?
I can never get google voice to work correctly. It would be brilliant, if it worked....
I saw a girl walk into a light post while texting, it was funny. 
Law though? silly philly.
Can we just randomly install alligator pits on sidewalks instead? Problem would take care of itself.
914Driver wrote:
Is that law a response to the woman who tripped into a Mall fish pool?
Probably. Seems like laws are more frequently created to save us from ourselves than they are to save our victims.
I guess I'm old, but I can't figure out why people can't figure out how to use the phone as a phone...
triumph5 wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
So you've never had to dodge a texter whilst walking down the sidewalk? I've seen them walk into trash cans and kids.
Maybe he's that guy that people are dodging. 
My mom and dad were struck and killed by a texting walker. The guy hit mom head on, then ricocheted off her and into my dad at at least 2 mph, right in front of the Apple store at the mall. Decapitated my old man and threw mom through a plate glass window. They really didn't have a chance.
Stupid law. Yet people will praise it because it's a law about common sense! Never mind that the government is telling you yet another thing you can't do for your own safety.
Do I think texting and walking is a good idea? No. But I'm tired of stupid laws more than being bumped into by someone.
ppddppdd wrote:
My mom and dad were struck and killed by a texting walker. The guy hit mom head on, then ricocheted off her and into my dad at at least 2 mph, right in front of the Apple store at the mall. Decapitated my old man and threw mom through a plate glass window. They really didn't have a chance.
It is very sad. I am sorry for your loss. We had a close call like this back in February where a text walker came out a blind alley and narrowly missed broad-siding us as we strolled. If we hadn't stopped for that brief second to look at the new iPad in the Apple store window we would all have been killed (or worse).
daytonaer wrote:
I can never get google voice to work correctly. It would be brilliant, if it worked....
Learn to clearly pronounce your words and you won't have a problem.
I'm from OK and it still works fine. 
7/19/11 10:28 a.m.
D.C. is doing it too ! We just had a dumb a$$ fall on the Metro tracks while texting. Good God what is that important that you risk your life and ruin other peoples day .
Pray tell, how are stupid people supposed to weed themselves out of the Gene pool now? I say bring on the Alligators. 
Nanny laws are the devil.
Seriously, I can understand that it's rude, but to make a law against it? That's asinine. What's next, a law that says you have to call your mother once a week?
bravenrace wrote:
I guess I'm old, but I can't figure out why people can't figure out how to use the phone as a phone...
I like to think I'm not old, but I don't even want to use my phone as a phone more than absolutely necessary. If I didn't need one for work, no way in hell would I even own a cell phone.
My ex-Boss has accused me of being Luddite. I find the concept of a Luddite computer programmer somewhat amusing.
You guys are missing one point. It's not about saving texters from themselves. Philly needs money. They didn't get the soda tax, so start "taxing" people texting and walking.