10/30/13 10:38 a.m.
Just throwing it out there.
I work in the "Marketing Department" for the biggest Auto Auction in the U.S. I recently found out that I can take my car to our locations and get work done at COST!
Can't wait to take the MCoupe out there.
Wish list:
- Refinish the wheels
- Respray the driver door and rear bumper
- Replace the trailing arm and diff mount bushings
What are perks of your job?
I know some get company cars.. etc... blah, blah.. etc..
Go at it!
10/30/13 10:39 a.m.
The boss man is having our pro welders out in the shop do all the sheetmetal work on the Javelin.
I get to come home with the same number of fingers and toes that I arrived with!
I am in the same boat as 4cylndrfury, none
Edit: Oh, actually I do small discounts from a variety of companies.
Air conditioned offices*
Car loans for people who can afford new cars**
Pay strictly tied to degree level***
Filtered water cooler and a fridge to put your lunch in that nobody steals from****
*Vents in cubicle floor may vary. I have none. Girl next to me has 3, all closed.
**Limited supply, first-come-first-served basis
***Wait, that's a perk they get from me! 
****Closest things to actual perks.
Lets not forget that I am afforded the privilege of having to report to total fuchtards, and the have the opportunity to constantly be reminded by arrogant sh!theads that Im lucky to even have a job in this economy.
fritzsch wrote:
I am in the same boat as 4cylndrfury, none
Edit: Oh, actually I do small discounts from a variety of companies.
Discounts from various companies that i don't give a E36 M3 about are about it.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
I didn't know we worked together! 
Free beer. Cheap tickets to beer festivals. Ability to show up at nice breweries and get private tours because I am actually in the industry.
These things were not worth the crap I got at the company I just left. Should be nice perks at the company I'm going too.
I get to post on this here forum! 
10/30/13 11:11 a.m.
work from home 3.5 days a week.....
10/30/13 11:21 a.m.
Anything our far reaching company sells at company cost(Everything from torx bits to Gleason CNC machines).....oh, and a flexible schedule.
Work from home(or anywhere with good internet) whenever I need/want.
Flexibility to work around appointments & emergencies.
Employee-owned company. The net result is there's none of the "us" vs. "them" in relation to management/ownership vs. employees. It's a completely different work environment.
4-weeks total time off from the start(vacation + flex-time)
An extra week off for every 5-years of work.
Growing company in a solid business.
-There are sheet metal fab tools and a welder here which I can use after hours.
-I can work as much OT as I want without getting it approved.
-Free installation of latest SolidWorks at home.
-Access to sheet metal at scrap rates.
I can get all the free concrete cylinders that we don't stress test that I could possibly want.
I get to travel around the country to visit the troops and stay in decent hotels. Sometimes I even get to visit the hotspots of the world like Kuwait and Afghanistan.
Other times I get lucky and get Hawaii.
This year it was Hawaii, last year it was Honduras and Korea, the year before Kuwait and Afghanistan . Year before that was Hawaii twice and Alaska and year before that was Germany. Next year it will be Korea again, in January. 
10/30/13 11:48 a.m.
3 cars a year at cost. If I pick well, our cost can be well below wholesale.
Our time off policy reads "unlimited, as long as it does not impact the needs of the business." a bit of a double edged sword, that one
Access to a mill and some other tools. From what I can tell awesome medical insurance. 401k matching to a point. Company will pay for grad school (as long as it is a MBA).
I get to hang out with you guys. Hmmm.
Free Cable and Internet, half price phone.
Company Vehicle with free gas.
Various discounts with many companies. GM, Ford, Apple, Dell, Sprint, Verizon, etc.
10/30/13 12:42 p.m.
I get bowls set on my head and yelled at for "FOOD FOOD FOOD MATER GO PLAY" to let me know my shift has started. Fortunately, I can take my work with me, anywhere. Except the strip club.
JamesMcD wrote:
-There are sheet metal fab tools and a welder here which I can use after hours.
-I can work as much OT as I want without getting it approved.
-Free installation of latest SolidWorks at home.
-Access to sheet metal at scrap rates.
Oh nice. Bring some of that scrap metal with you and you can be in charge of mounting the intercooler, too. 

Healthcare! My employer pays between $500 and $1500 each month for every employee. 
Oh, and press cars, and a water cooler, and a new T-Shirt whenever I need one.