5/15/15 8:59 a.m.
An update was posted to the GoFundMe site this morning. I'm afraid it's not the best news.
Update on Diesel: unfortunately his x ray this week looks worse than when they set the bone 2 weeks ago. At this point the vet feels it is in the best interest of him to go ahead and amputate. We will be scheduling the surgery for sometime in the next week or so. Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way!!! At this point just prayers that everything goes ok for him from this point would be appreciated.
Thanks Jim, You beat me to it. On the plus side, yesterday he actually played a little "tug" with us with his favorite toy, chewed his bone and this morning took me for a brisk run. None of these are things he had shown any interest in since the accident. So its time for him to start to move past this. The surgery is scheduled for next Thursday. He will be back on his feet in no time I am sure!
He Looks Happy!!

5/15/15 8:07 p.m.
Great looking pup; glad he's starting to play abit now. Hopefully he does well after surgery next week!
Interestingly, when I was back at the vet this week, they have a three legged cat they're working on adopting. Definitely not telling the wife about that one!
Diesel Post Op Update:
Nothing I saw or read prepared me for picking him up post op. He is doing pretty well all things considered. Walked out to meet us at the vet office and part way to the car. He is pretty drugged up, which is a good thing, and resting on a blanket in the kitchen. The drain comes out Tuesday and he goes back for staple removal on two weeks or so. Pictures later when he is feeling better. Thank you ALL for your support and caring. The GRM community is like our extended family, you are all awesome!
In reply to sanyarcosean:
Thanks for the update & we hope the recovery goes well! Pets like people are incredibly resilient and can adapt to things one would initially think are unfathomable...
5/25/15 6:03 a.m.
secretariata wrote:
In reply to sanyarcosean:
Thanks for the update & we hope the recovery goes well! Pets like people are incredibly resilient and can adapt to things one would initially think are unfathomable...
My mom adopted a 3-legged cat with 1/2 a tail, after it was hit by a car. You should see that thing scamper around the house, jumping up on higher levels.
Diesel update:
He is doing very well, I believe his recovery from the amputation is going better/quicker than from the initial broken leg. It is pretty obvious to Jessica and I that amputation was the right choice. About lunch time Friday he asked me to take him for a walk. It was short, but he got around very well. 4 days out now And he is healing well. Drain comes out tomorrow so we will see what the vet says, but looking great so far!!
In reply to sanyarcosean:
I chipped in again over the weekend to help with the expenses. I'm really glad to hear he's doing well.