foxtrapper wrote:
When the middle school boys get up and walk out, saying "this sucks" you know it's bad.
The trailers were enough to convince me to not waste my time or $, so I've never seen it. FWIW, I thought 'Ted' was okay so I'm not a McFarlane hater.
6/5/15 2:21 p.m.
It's hard to imagine Sean Connery in a bad movie, but hey, it happens.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Rocky Horror Picture Show.
There, I said it.
That movie is plain awful, 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.
That's a GREAT movie experience. You MUST go see it in Hollywood, on Halloween, at midnight. If you just watch the movie at home or something without all the people participating, yeah, it would suck bad. Except for Meat Loaf.
foxtrapper wrote:
When the middle school boys get up and walk out, saying "this sucks" you know it's bad.
Without a doubt!! Thank goodness I waited until it was on cable (which was what, 23 minutes?). I'm pretty easy on movies and thought it can't be THAT bad and still couldn't get through more than 45 minutes. Seth's constant monolog-ing about why the west is bad had me muting the TV any time he spoke.

I really wanted to enjoy Iron Sky, but proof that the internet can hype anything.
Iron Sky can't count, it's an unapologetically cheesy B-movie.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote:
Rocky Horror Picture Show.
There, I said it.
That movie is plain awful, 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.
That's a GREAT movie experience. You MUST go see it in Hollywood, on Halloween, at midnight. If you just watch the movie at home or something without all the people participating, yeah, it would suck bad. Except for Meat Loaf.
Have to agree. It's a lot of fun if the audience is playing along. 'Meat Loaf AGAIN?!?!?' Or water pistols in the rain sequence... hot dogs flying everywhere... 
GSmith wrote:
It's hard to imagine Sean Connery in a bad movie, but hey, it happens.
Never seen it all the way through but what I have seen is pretty damn bad.

If you want something that tried to be straight.
For all time horrible to me...

Then again, I dont get that stupid "Tim and Eric Awesome show" thing either, just a steamer to me.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Chris_V wrote:
Oblivion, the 1994 movie, not the new one. THe 1994 movie was a sci fi western with George Takai in it:
Oh, well 19 years old isn't "newish"
hehehe. well, '90s vs, say '50s. I still think of 90s cars as "late models" so there is that...
Ok--- the Star Wars thing was more of a joke to piss off the fanbois.
This may be the worst movie ever made--- just in case the original wasn't bad enough:

The Black Dahlia was pretty horrid too. Even Scarlett Johansson's hotness couldn't save it.
Good start with the OP
This is too easy though.
In 3rd we have 'The South park movie'
In 2nd we have 'Braveheart'
And in 1st, the most bile inducing production of tripe ever foisted on the public an proof that the academy awards make FIFA look honest we have 'Titanic'
Apexcarver wrote:
LOL this is a great movie! Highly recommend it. And it's so far from serious that it shouldn't qualify.
Joe Gearin wrote:
racerdave600 wrote:
In reply to Joe, Arnold makes Mark Hamill look like a multiple Oscar winner!
True, but at least he doesn't spend the whole movie trying to bang his sister.
That's only because he can't "recall" who she is. 
Not the worst thing I've ever seen, but the last Hobbit flick 'The Battle of the Five Armies' just had this strained quality to it... like Jackson was muttering under his breath 'why did I sign that contract to make all 6 of these movies? I'm so sick of this...'.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Good start with the OP
This is too easy though.
In 3rd we have 'The South park movie'
In 2nd we have 'Braveheart'
And in 1st, the most bile inducing production of tripe ever foisted on the public an proof that the academy awards make FIFA look honest we have 'Titanic'
The suckage of 'Titanic' is pretty well split along sex lines. I thought it was awful; the various women in my life have corrected me on this more than once. Including my daughter and in her own words she's not one given to 'chick flicks'.
6/5/15 3:11 p.m.
Clearly, only a few people in here have seen The Room.
I went to a Rifftrax showing last month having never seen the film.
Wow. Incompetent in ways I didn't know a film could be.
6/5/15 3:14 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Not the worst thing I've ever seen, but the last Hobbit flick 'The Battle of the Five Armies' just had this strained quality to it... like Jackson was muttering under his breath 'why did I sign that contract to make all 6 of these movies? I'm so sick of this...'.
I haven't seen any of the Hobbit movies--I would have been in line for them if it was only 1 movie though. I just don't understand how they could possibly make that book into 3 movies and actually make it good.
The last 2 Hobbit movies are decent, the 1st one is just filler material.
The first three Hobbit movies, or last three, I suppose if you look at it from the story time-line, had like 20 minutes of plot each and 2 hours of CGA fight scenes. From like 800 page books! What happened to the other 780 pages of plot? More important to watch Orc blood splashing around?
6/5/15 3:38 p.m.
Barbarella has to be fairly high on this list....
There are so many to choose from. The worst I recall was The Beatles "Yellow Submarine", but its cheating because its a cartoon. The only showing we had, we had two couples and they walked out. We gladly gave them a refund. The manager cancelled the second showing that night and we put the reels out to be picked up.
The South Park movie was awesome! As was Cannibal: The Musical.
The 2004ish version of Alexander was mind numbingly bad, as was The Village (or really anything by M Night Shamalamalamanan). I tried watching the first part of The Hobbit and only made it 10 minutes before I had to turn it off. A shame as I loved the books and enjoy the Lord of the Rings movies.
Maybe not quite the worst, but pretty close is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The books are among my favorite but good lord did that movie stink.
6/5/15 4:06 p.m.
Bad Santa was the only movie that I ever walked out of half way through.