My wife to one of our dogs: "Get out of the garage. You are not a car."
Said very recently: "Good girl!"
She's a good girl.
4/9/18 7:08 p.m.
How the berkeley did you get out of the fence again?
4/9/18 7:09 p.m.
Cat- but "get your butt off my stuff!" Literal butt. Starfish.
4/9/18 7:14 p.m.
"stop eating horse poop!"
4/9/18 7:15 p.m.
Get your spotted arse back down those stairs.. Said to the new harlequin dane dork Izzy
"Who E36 M3s on the front stoop?"
4/9/18 7:22 p.m.
"Get your Doodle-face out of there!"
4/9/18 7:35 p.m.
Stop looking at me like that, I know where I'm going.
4/9/18 7:37 p.m.
“No, you can’t play with the rabbit who lives under our deck”....
Gandalf why in the hell do you stink so bad?
Stop trying to eat metal.
Sierra off. Off. Sierra off, off, off. No. Sierra, off.

"My socks are not a toy!" (usually as I'm trying to put socks on my feet.)
Ours gets called "doodle face" too, or "fuzzy turd" depending on the level of mischief.
Why do you keep letting the other dogs pee on you?

Wil je een koekje? Ga je naar je tuin.
Bubba is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He understands Dutch better than English.
(Bubba on the left)

4/9/18 8:08 p.m.
Luna, it's 3am. Just shut up, you're not going outside to yell at the deer.
"Tucker. If you are going to lick the baby at least get it all."
Also, an innumerable number of times over the last 7 years: "I swear to god dog, you were only 35 dollars"
"How many bunnies did we start out here with?"
Just pick a spot and poop!
"Why are you green? What is that smell? Is that COW POOP?"
It was cow poop.
"Reggie, you dumb bitch!"
My sister named her dog "Kitty", so when I went over there the other day and saw that Kitty had gotten quite fat I said, "Kitty, you fat bitch."
Pretty sure I'm 11 years old.
"What are you doing, you old shiny happy person?"
“DAMMIT CAT, WE ARE FRIENDS! We don’t piss on our friends!”
i said that to my cat my cat when she got locked in our bedroom one night and pissed on me. It’s cool though I deserved it for closing the door.
"Gus! That's not all mud, get out of there!"
"Ruxton, stop humping Tyler, he's a boy dog!"