Streetwiseguy said:
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
They must have known about Lincoln Lockers back then...
They couldn't run those because they would break axles when turning around after a run with hot slicks. They did eventually use Detroit Lockers, though, specifically because they don't break axles.
This reminds me that I need to step up my graphics creation game so I can finally make a "locked diffs are not a 50/50 torque split" rant video.
7/14/24 12:11 p.m.
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
Yup. The 56 Hudson Hornet convertible we had in inventory had hydraulic power windows.
Big spring pulls them down and a hydraulic cylinder brings them up. All runs off the convertible top hydraulic pump.
The original system uses brake fluid but when it fails, it fills the door bottoms with brake fluid.
When we rebuilt everything, we also converted it to run ATF.
7/14/24 12:15 p.m.
In reply to Duke :
The Mercedes 300SL came out in 1954. It had a direct injected gasoline engine.
In reply to ShawnG :
So did some WWII aircraft!
Oh yeah. TIL.
The guitar solo in No Sleep til Brooklyn was done by Kerry King of Slayer.
Rick Rubin was involved with both. The Boys Beastie were recording it in the same studio where Slayer was recording Reign in Blood, and they wanted a guitar solo, so Rick got Kerry to record a solo for a couple hundred bucks.
TIL when Ozzy was singing about Mr. Crowley, he meant Aleister Crowley. Quite the guy, Occultist, poet, magician, mountaineer, started a religion, etc.
Now the world make sense.

TIL there are carpenter bee traps. I saw one yesterday and it looked like a bird house, this is stupid easy.
TIL my neighbor had a baby boy yesterday; 9 lb. 10 oz. Looks right at you and raises his head. Dr. said "Yeah, I had to go back in and look around for his keys and wallet".
914Driver said:
TIL my neighbor had a baby boy yesterday; 9 lb. 10 oz. Looks right at you and raises his head. Dr. said "Yeah, I had to go back in and look around for his keys and wallet".
Well, kids just ain't moving out like they used to...
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

7/23/24 7:43 p.m.
TIL that in the '80s my father almost bought a used Ford Grenada with a factory 302 and a 4-speed. Which is kind of a cool car in terms of rarity
There were two Granadas at my high school. One had a 302 automatic, and the other was an ESS with the six and a stick. I remember the knob being labeled 1-2-3- OD.
No Time
7/23/24 11:09 p.m.
In reply to Woody (Forum Supportum) :
I had the only Granada at my high school, 302 with a 2bbl and auto. 77 in white with a green vinyl top and interior.
TIL that you can remove broken trim clips by prying up a bit with a small screwdriver, then getting a piece of string behind it, looping the string all the way around it, pull it tight, then pull outwards. This would have been useful many times in the last several years when I usually just mangled them slowly with pliers.
7/31/24 1:02 p.m.
Woody (Forum Supportum) said:
There were two Granadas at my high school. One had a 302 automatic, and the other was an ESS with the six and a stick. I remember the knob being labeled 1-2-3- OD.
A HS buddy's Dad bought one of those new with that exact drivetrain, right down to the "OD" on the shift knob. It was not fast.
8/1/24 6:38 a.m.
TIL that Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, aviation pioneer and author of The Little Prince, went MIA 80 years ago yesterday. He was flying a reconnaissance mission in an F-5, the unarmed recon version of the P-38.

"Five minutes after the first vibration, a left proprotor gearbox chip burn warning posted in the cockpit. The warning lets the crew know there was metal flaking coming off the Osprey's gearing, another indication of stress.
Chipping is a common enough occurrence in rotary flight that there is a safety net designed into the Osprey. The chip detector can burn the chips off so they do not travel in the oil and destroy the transmission."
A chip detector and burner.
25 or 6 to 4.
I always parsed it as "25, or 6 to 4".
It's "25 or 6, to 4". As in, 25 or 26 minutes to 4am.
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
I knew that it meant 25 or 26 minutes to four, but I'd always imagined it as being in the afternoon.
TIL that there is a statue in les Jardins des Tuileries in Paris commemorating the first wet T-shirt contest.

Also... it looks like it's been groped a few times.
TIL that not everybody thinks the same. My doctor gave me a test for ADHD and I answered the questions then gave the questions to my friends and their answers were the opposite of mine. Here I thought I had a normal brain and anybody with a normal brain thinks like me but that is not true. It actually is very helpful to know this, it has helped me immensely realizing that other people think this other way. Here is the link to the test, take it yourself, it's very interesting. ADHD test
In reply to loosecannon :
I learned a long time ago that I don't think like other people, and that has become obvious many times on this forum.
Not really sure what's wrong with you guys, though
In reply to loosecannon :
I've failed every single ADD test I've taken, despite having studied hard.
8/4/24 9:28 p.m.
In reply to Woody (Forum Supportum) :
The following lyric is:
"Trying just to stay awake,
Wondering how much I can take?
Should I try to do some more?
25 or 6 to 4..."
Sounds like AM to me.