Can't take credit for the idea as it was on DailyTurismo today, but it made me think if the ratty rusty Datsun 200SX that my roommates in college hauled home to tried to fix up enough to race again in the dorm room parking lot (it didn't go well) and thought I'd share.

We didn't cook much anyway and the male to female ratio at ERAU was laughable so it's not like we ever had dates to impress either.
Also good lord these pictures are 10 years old which is why they look like they were taken with a potato.
Addon: not car parts but when I was working heavy C check I always called the day a new plane came into our dock "free tool day" and tried to be the guy that ripped out the floor boards (not so much the rest of the gross interior though) because I'd generally find an inspection mirror, flashlight, wrench, hammer, or screwdriver in the bilge. Great way to build a job specific box or find something to cutup to make a "specialized tool" out of.
12/6/15 7:57 p.m.
I rented a fairly disgusting house when I was in college. The kitchen was so bad that I rolled the fridge into another room and parked my motorcycle in there. It was hard to start when it was cold.
The question reminds me of...

12/6/15 8:18 p.m.
Dining room table. To be fair, it was for her car.
12/6/15 8:49 p.m.
there is a set of mx5 brake pads in the kitchen cabinet with the oatmeal and kid's pouches right now. wife found them, she was not impressed.
12/6/15 8:55 p.m.
In reply to patgizz:
Just don't put them in the toaster! 
12/6/15 9:02 p.m.
I had a college apartment where I kept a lot of weird stuff in my room. For a while I had a load of take-offs I scored at the runoffs along with my bike rack and two bikes all piled in the corner of my bedroom.
I have a motorcycle gas tank next to my bed.
I had 4 holley carbs stored on top the fridge in my apartment. Had one 650 and a battery operated 3/8 impact come up missing from the garage i rented for storage at the time, didnt want to risk another theft. My now wife was not amused.
Set of summer wheels are in the living room of my college apartment right now. And I've got a jack, torque wrench and autocross gear in my closet right now. Not crazy obscure but my roommate wasn't fond of the wheels for the first month; they are in black plastic bags anyway so it isn't a huge eyesore.
We used my snow tires to build a computer desk when I was in university. Then, in winter, we used my summer tires to build a computer desk...
I couldn't find a pair of subframe bushing that I bought for my BMW so I bought another pair. A couple of months later I found them way back in the freezer because the internet said to freeze it so it would be easier to press in the subframe.
I had up to 4 sets of wheels that I got from the junkyard in my living room that I like to swap on my car every other week just because.
Other parts like driveshaft, flywheel, clutch are either under my bed or in the closet.
I have had a bllet crank for a Triumph six in the corner of my office for about 8 years now.
12/7/15 5:44 a.m.
I have a set of front hubs and spindles from a Sprint Cup car under my kitchen table.
I keep mine at the place I bought them.
Because I can't afford to buy them.
The0retical wrote:
Can't take credit for the idea as it was on DailyTurismo today, but it made me think if the ratty rusty Datsun 200SX that my roommates in college hauled home to tried to fix up enough to race again in the dorm room parking lot (it didn't go well) and thought I'd share.
We didn't cook much anyway and the male to female ratio at ERAU was laughable so it's not like we ever had dates to impress either.
Also good lord these pictures are 10 years old which is why they look like they were taken with a potato.
When I was in college, we had 4 37 inch mud tires stacked up next to the bathroom door, my huge toolbox in the kitchen by the door, intakes and carbs and headers in the base cabinet by the stove, and a Kawasaki being built on a sheet of plywood on the pool table in the living room.
Needless to say, our live in girlfriends were not impressed. But to their credit, they never complained until I used the dishwasher as a hot tank.
Ian F
12/7/15 7:20 a.m.
I'm a guy and I live alone, so I pretty much have car parts, bicycle stuff and guitars everywhere. It's kinda annoying, actually. I'd much rather have things more organized. 
Had a bare SBC in my laundry room at my apartment in college.
Funny story: the laundry room was really just an extension of the bathroom. If you were sitting on the toilet you could see the engine on the stand. I had a couple girls over one day and ended up dating one of them for about 8 months after she saw my little laundry room operation. She had a 1970 Chevelle and tended bar at my favorite watering hole. Which reminds me. Never E36 M3 where you eat (or drink?) 
I have lots of car parts stashed in the bedroom. I've hidden many in odd places for, not up there
although it wouldn't be a worse experience than paying import duties on many of the parts 
Everywhere.. I have about 4 boxes of parts in my bedroom at my fraternity house, and 3-4 other boxes scattered around here. Boxes of pistons, cranks, bearing caps, etc. The head is on a cart outside.
Over the summer, I had my whole engine on a cart on the back porch, and all the wiring, new gaskets and parts next to my bed. Wheels and tires lived in the living room until I could get them mounted..

Tearing my engine down in my fraternity house (circa 2 months ago)

I had a Ford 8.8" rear axle in my coat closet for a while. I was rebuilding it in my spare time. I had to put it in the coat closet because I needed to roll my dirt bike onto the screened porch. I also had a set of 3.27 gears on my bookshelf for a long time.
I kept a weedeater engine in my pantry for a year thinking I was going to build a R/C boat with it.
Now I'm married with a three car garage which holds all my junk. My biggest problem is trying to convince my wife I need a shed behind the garage to store all the yard tools. She isn't buying it.
I took a carburetor with me on a week-long trip for work years ago, and rebuilt it in my hotel room at night. Never stored parts inside the house though.
Oh man, I always had some sort of car/motorcycle parts littering my room in college. The place I had sophomore year was probably the best, I had a room about the size of a walk in closet that had an entire, disassembled '74 Honda MT125 in it. Parts stashed literally in every available bit of space, to the point I couldn't get into or out of bed without moving things. I wish I had pictures.
Additionally, one of my roommates had a Hodaka Wombat in the kitchen and a Yamaha R5 in the basement, while another roommate had half the living room filled with a pile his electronics "projects". It was an interesting living arrangement to say the least.