Randomly suggested on Amazon. Took me only a few minutes. It's not bad. Shakespeare meets the automobile.
Randomly suggested on Amazon. Took me only a few minutes. It's not bad. Shakespeare meets the automobile.
Warning, nerd content:
I'm still making my way though this: https://www.amazon.com/Replay-History-Video-Tristan-Donovan/dp/0956507204
I used to plow through books when traveling. A 2 year old makes that nearly impossible though :(
I also recently read https://www.amazon.com/Masters-Doom-Created-Transformed-Culture/dp/0812972155 and enjoyed it a lot.
Also Books 1 and 2 of the Doom novels. Ultra cheesy, but still fun. I'd read 3 and 4, but #3 is nearly impossible to find.
One more recommendation from the past 2 years: What If? from the creator of XKCD is really entertaining. Thing Explainer is also really fun, but more of a coffee table book both in size and reading enjoyment.
In reply to Dusterbd13 :
That's next in line for me. Right now, about halfway through Gods and Legions, which is proving to be a much better book than I was expecting. I think some of my other historical fiction experiences wrongly soured me on the genre.
Aynone read Artemis yet?
Its the next Audiobook in my queue (wife is currently listening to it, so I can't jump in without messing up her place in the book).
Right now I'm listening to some shorter comedian books on my runs. Trevor Noah's book Born a Crime was excellent. Sarah Silverman's book The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee is amusing so far.
I’m reading the most recent 3 or 4 of Laurie King’s Beekeeper’s Apprentice series. If you haven’t read them, I recommend them. They should be read in order, but there is no huge overarching storyline, so if you don’t go past the first couple, you won’t be left out in the cold.
They are a new take on Sherlock Holmes, from an interesting perspective, and fairly well written.
Reading Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. I always love his books but I should know by now not to pick up a new series if it's not finished yet. This is book 3, just released this month, of ten.
I am currently reading John Quincy Adams by Harlow Giles Unger. I have to say that by his mid 30's JQA ( about half way through ) had already lived a very interesting life and was a played a number of key parts in the nation's early history.
And keep a dictionary handy, quite a few inquiries.
Paul B
Anything pertaining to the cities of Homosassa or Crystal River Florida . Indian burial mound articles . I have written my December editorial for our magazine Nature Coast Adventurer . This exercise in publishing has forced me to get my InTeLLectual guarD uP . Also the song of the Sirenians and Homer's Oddyssey as it might or may be linked to Manateee's
I just blazed through Wolverine Bros. Freight and Storage by Steve Ulfelder, loved it!
Before that I read Last Day by Richard Sears. It started off very gritty then brightened up a bit and took an odd turn that I liked.
Now I'm re-reading some James Rollins until I snag some new books.
The new job is killing my reading time. I’ve been stuck on the same book, Dark Star by Alan Furst for almost a year.
Currently reading a few books by joe verde. Not my normal nerdy reading material but if it helps me at my job then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Can't believe it's been a while since I've read this thread....
Here's what I've read over the past year or so and a brief synopsis.
And a bunch more, Paul Simon bio, a book about using genes to bring back dinosaurs (Bring Back the King), the Dresden Files (a modern wizard series, very good), plus plenty I'm forgetting. I have a very wide series of tastes, so I'm always looking for new ideas.
I am reading some stories in wattpad right now particularly Phoenix Series 2.
Busy churning through the Aubrey / Maturin books by Patrick O'Brian.
These are the books the movie "Master and Commander" was based on. I loved the movie, I'm on book four of twenty-something and I have to say that Russell Crowe played Jack Aubrey very well.
I've never been a fan of sea stories but these are great.
Just finished "The Last Punisher" about Seal Team THREE in Ramadi. I have a very tough time identifying with extremely fit guys who seem to thrive on pain and the challenge of killing as many people as they can... Glad they're on our side, though. :)
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